Topic: help a thief
...a tale of German bureaucracy, lies, life in Bosnia, corruption and electro-funk
ps. here's a new live set: Sneak-Thief - live @ Club Moo, Rio de Janeiro - 25/07/09
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Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → help a thief
...a tale of German bureaucracy, lies, life in Bosnia, corruption and electro-funk
ps. here's a new live set: Sneak-Thief - live @ Club Moo, Rio de Janeiro - 25/07/09
great story (not for you, but you can still maybe make a book of it when this is all finished) hope you'll make it!
I'll get back to you soon on that mate, we could maybe even squeeze in another visit to a Scottish prison if you like ?
quel romantique ce Michel...
Bonne chance !
thanks baz - i like a challenge
thewasp - yes, the scottish hospitality is legendary somehow i doubt things would be so draconian over there if the scots ran the UK. heh.
merci agence!
...some thoughts:
the yugo passport used to be able to accepted everywhere... but the new bosnian passport is useless. soon serbia will join the Schengen white list, meaning they don't need a visa to vist the EU. that leaves the following european countries who need visas just to set foot in the EU:
- turkey
- albania
- bosnia
- kosovo
keep in mind that many bosnians serbs have serbian passports and many bosnian croats have croatian passports. which leaves bosnian muslims screwed.
the muslim countries appear to be systematically shut out.
so the EU's unspoken policy seems clear, especially since bosnia fulfilled the same visa liberalization requirements as serbia but were denied being added to the Schengen white list. this obvious realization is causing a bit of an uproar in the EU parliament these days.
i guess the important question is: throughout history, has the extreme side of islam been more detrimental and violent than the extremes of christianity? it's hard to say, what with the crusades and a few hundreds years of western colonialism. looking at all the carnage on all sides makes me glad i'm an atheist
anyhow, being am immigrant, learning a new language & 'integrating' isn't always easy. i fought long and hard for my german permanent residency permit and am prepared to help Ana do the same. besides, she's a medical doctor and wants to work as a psychotherapist so it's not like she's coming to mooch off the system. and we make neat EBM together (aka neuroplayer)
all the best to you and your girl!
i really feel bad sometimes sitting comfortably on the other side of the fence. i've been friends with a girl from nis (serbia) since the mid nineties and she's always been able to show me that life is not the wonderland for everyone, not even in all of europe, as it is for me in switzerland. i'm disgusted at a regular basis of how restricted our immigration laws have become and how people of certain descent (think ex-yugos) are regarded here. it's still somewhat mainstream to curse them, exactly as it was back in the 60s and 70s, even up to the 80s to curse the italian immigrants. those are now well accepted and regarded as well integrated.
of course a different relgion in your country of origin makes things worse. just another reason to abolish all religions.
oh, and did i tell tell you that you and ana make quite a couple (well, judging from the pictures )?
Hi James, I live in Nis, maybe I know your friend?
Michel: Moje misli lete k' vama!
Yeah, it sucks being an ex-yugo, I imagine how much worse Muslims might feel living here
ps. here's a new live set: Sneak-Thief - live @ Club Moo, Rio de Janeiro - 25/07/09
Great set with many nice tracks.
JamesTRubotnik: much appreciated... that reminds me, my grandfather was Swiss (Gen
good luck michel....hopefully someone will sort a gig in glasgow & i'll pop along(provided your not warmin a bed in dungavel )
@ sneak: listening to yr set now, very nice ! did you use that monster blue-led-blinking modular to make some of these tracks?
anyway, i wish i could help you but alas i just extend a heartfelt best wishes on a journey to which its very apparent failure is not an option!!
hope all works out dude!
good luck!
Knowing you, one can only hope and wish all the deserve it Michel!!!
thanks for all the kind words and support. i like a good fight, especially when i can follow all the rules and still succeed.
also, i'm starting up Gingerbread House Records again and Ana will be in charge of it. Strangelife inspired me!
subk - yeah! my modular is ALL over all those tracks. obviously i have to sample it and can't bring it with me... yet (anybody wanna be my roadie? hehe)
Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → help a thief
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