Re: moving house

arabot wrote:

Worst bit is probably not the moving out but the setting up in the new place, especially if you're like me and just shove everything into black bags. still haven't sorted anything out 1 week in, other than my computer, decks and speakers

This is actually my favourite bit. I spent the whole of yesterday sorting this out.

stick some music on, get some beers in and get everything just how you like it smile

Re: moving house

If I had a cheap train ticket to London + some time off, rest assured that I would have been there to help you!

Re: moving house

of course man smile

it ended up being the three of us that done it in the end. so it wasnt as bad as it couldve been.

Re: moving house

spookie wrote:

sisyphus wasn't he a greek god that had to do some several jobs like carying water to the sea and stuff

eh not quite, he was a human who punished by the greeks gods with rolling a large rock up a hill, once he got to the top the rock would roll down again and he would start the whole process again

albert camus wrote a very famous essay on him

keep hackney crap

Re: moving house


Re: moving house


sorry for the off topic, but somehow whenever sisyphus is mentioned i'm thinking "dung beetle"

Re: moving house

man, the easiest bit of all this was sorting out the gas, electric and water... "whats your name?" "whats your address?" "when did you move in?"

"thanks very much Mr Mitchell, thats it done."

lovely. smile

Re: moving house

meschi wrote:

all week ive been sayign to myself "yeah, no worries, it'll be fine. Its just me and my flat mate but we can handle it. no worries." "Ive hired the van, everythings packed... blah blah blah"

its tomorrow now and Ive only just realised how much a pain in the arse this is going to be!!

Ive moved 6 times in the last 4 years... I should be used to this by now!!


is moving really as much as a pain in the arse as I think it is?

not even a year and Im moving house again. this does suck a bit. I choke to be in the same place for more than a year. nevermind, nice new flat means nice new fun.

movin in with a robot aswell... BLAOW!

Re: moving house

Jesus, I'd rather take a bullet than move. Next time im plopping down the 10-1500e it cost to get movers. I get sweaty just thinking about it


Re: moving house

yeh I forked out and paid removalists to take most of our stuff.  well worth the money!

Re: moving house

i got friends to help me move once. looking back it would have been much cheaper to hire some polaks for the day. i fed and watered them, replaced all the shit they broke, cost a packet man

keep hackney crap


Re: moving house

Now the redecorating part starts, always more fun than the moving...

I moved 7 times in the past 9 years, first time with 50 records, last time with 2500... the records don't suck that much actually if you got good size crates, it's the big/heavy things like the washingmachine and lounge chairs that always get me....

Re: moving house

already 2500 records mr Baz. you've been buying alot lately?

Re: moving house

Byrons fucking deck stand is by far one of the heaviest things Ive got. That thing is a pain in the arse to move.

Re: moving house

lol, i have moved that thing a few times more than you mate.
i was always glad it went to a good home though

keep hackney crap


Re: moving house

S.T.E.N.T.E.C. wrote:

already 2500 records mr Baz. you've been buying alot lately?

have you seen my house?
always had lots of records, not just lately, I'm usually a steay buyer (ervery week a few)

Re: moving house

never been to your house amigo. somehow its always you dropping by at mine big_smile
btw. we have to finish that track a.s.a.p. Next weekend maybe?


Re: moving house

yeah, really have to do that. Next weekend sounds ok to me, I'll keep a spot free! (Saturday? Sunday always seems to be a "I'm having a hangover and still have to finish a lot of work" day)

Re: moving house

ya hoor. this move is going to be tough.

Re: moving house

baz wrote:

yeah, really have to do that. Next weekend sounds ok to me, I'll keep a spot free! (Saturday? Sunday always seems to be a "I'm having a hangover and still have to finish a lot of work" day)

true big_smile saturday is good, about 14.00h. I have a work appointment at 13.00 but it won't take long.

Re: moving house

I've had to move soon to be about 4 times in the last year. They've all sucked but only after the fact for a day or two, not the actual moving my stuff (records sorta, beds are easy to sell, and I always have had a small bed)  when I realized I've either misplaced something or crashed a car.