dirtieblonde wrote:A friend of my had one with only a $3000 limit, she accidently went over when she was unemployed. She got a great paying job and sent them $1500, and the next month, after interest and fees, the cc balance was back where it was. She tried calling them to work with them to pay off the balance, and they were no help. I told her to go to her bank and get a small reasonable loan to pay it off then close it.
Communicator wrote:Dirtieblonde, that is exactly what has happened with my Chase card. The only way I can make a dent in getting rid of that is to borrow a loan from the Bank with much smaller interest and eventually pay it off.
speaking of, my girl is in hot water with this debt collection company that bought her old debt from the original debt holder for PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR!
those fuckers wanted the full amount. she told them " I'll send you half of what I owe you." but they refused
she did a little researching and found out that the company violated federal law multiple times. They, in the meantime, have subpoenad her to court thinking that she is some dumb ass dead beat.
She went and got a lawyer and the case goes before a judge in August.
I got my fingers crossed
FUCK the CC's
there are whole websites devoted to beating these fuckers at their own game