Topic: problem with TB-303

My 303 doesnt work on batteries anymore. If i plug in a PSU everything works fine. but when i plug it out, I loose all the patterns.

When I first got it I had to bring it to repair because of batteery leaking. it workt fine after that. But now this problem.
It doesnt look like there was again a batterie leak, but maybe it did sum more harm then.

I dont want to bring the 303 to the same guy again, since he screwed up on my sh3a last time. but its the only person I know in Zurich that repairs synths.

is there anything I can check myself for finding the problem?

Re: problem with TB-303

open it up and see, it might be a loose connection or something else obvious.

Re: problem with TB-303

I did open it up and there is for my eyes nothing obvious. the positive contact to the atteries was dirty. I cleaned it, but it didnt change anything.

Re: problem with TB-303

Corrosion often follows the wires and is unseen. if you have any skill with Soldering it would be wise to swap out the wires from the battery terminal and solder in a fresh set.  Worth a try.

+++ Dont be scared honey, thats just the resonance knob +++

Re: problem with TB-303

Be sure to also check all the connections on the ic's (Take a close look at the little 'legs' going down to the pcb), especially the ones near the battery compartment. They tend to corrode from the inside out for some reason.  This is a very commom problem with 303/606's that have had corroded batteries in them. First symptoms include the memory problem you describe and the sequencer going haywire...

Hope it helps...


Re: problem with TB-303

Thank you guys, I will try to change the cables and take a look at the IC. for soldering I guess I will get the help of somebody more experienced. I dont wanna fuck up my most expensive piece of gear.

I'l let you know if I succeded

Re: problem with TB-303

I had this once and it was the metal connection to the batteries that was bent so it didn't make contact with the battery anymore.
You can check if it actually makes contact, otherwise bend it a little so it will.

I lost all my patterns for a live gig then, but i made better ones insted. I did make a copy of the sequences after that though.

Re: problem with TB-303

where do you go for repairing? to styro or co mini?

9 (edited by Cosmo 2010-09-10 16:27:21)

Re: problem with TB-303

most complicated robot wrote:

where do you go for repairing? to styro or co mini?

Styro is my man, not very fast but reliable!!!
got it back today, wasnt abig thing and works now like a charm again.

10 (edited by lnetzel 2011-05-01 09:40:30)

Re: problem with TB-303

I have had the same problem for two years but today I took a more serious look at it after reading this thread and it turns out I had the problem with the little metal piece at the + side (red cable) was not in contact with the batteries anymore. I put a piece of aluminum foil in between and fixed it.

I assume battery acid have been leaking out and that it ate enough of the metal piece to grow it too small.

Thanks Raoul for the help:)