@ captain duran
"I think he knows where to buy in the net, or directly from MW."
-> oh, he probably does... no doubt! i just wanted to tell him where to get the mw stuff relatively "cheap" (compared to other online stores).
"don`t you think it is sometimes helpful to go in a shop, listen to the records (not the snippets at online shops) carefully and then decide to buy, esp. if the records are expensive."
-> of course it is. but if there are no record shops that have the stuff you want you have to buy it online.
i guess here in stuttgart it's even worse compared to berlin... the only record shops that i go to here are the 2nd hand ones.
"the prices for MW records in europe are def not `okay`;)"
-> i know (the stereo lp for ex is around 15 euro if you buy it directly from mw). but i was refering to the online shop we bought the mw stuff.
shipping was for free and so in the end it was cheaper to buy them there instead of ordering them directly because of the high shipping costs, you know?