Re: pandemia
lol shabu shabu
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Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → pandemia
i'm waiting for the conspiracy theories. for example: it was started by the company that produces tamiflu to increase their sales, this is the revenge of the republicans, babylon is coming, etc...
totally. It'll be all over the web by tomorrow.
Mixed Up In The Plague
thanks, Im here all week
you heard it here first
its the revenge of the republicans
i'm waiting for the conspiracy theories.
much easier...
"Tamiflu and Relenza could work if they were taken early" just buy at your local internet apteka & use UPS haha
Don't worry, the human race will be destroyed by a virus some day.
Just enjoy the time you have left.
a pig flu? when pigs fly
havent decided yet whether i should worry about this or not. guess im gonna wait till the first ill looking person sneezes at me aboard the train at the d
Mixed Up In The Plague
thanks, Im here all week
everyday it seems like prophecies are living up to whats goin on today.
Tamiflu could work... I would not bet on it.
Taking vitamins will increase your resistance, but you need a good one. You need a combination of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants to really beef up your immune system.
Earlier I started a topic about food supplements, I am taking a good one for more than 4 months now (Jus23) so let it come this nasty flu
See part 4 of my first post there:
4. Everyone heard someone saying every once in a while 'the flu this year is a lot more tougher than before'.
That might be true, but it's also possible we are much less resistant because of the lousy food and nutrients we get then we used to... ending up in being longer and heavier sick of viruses like the flu.
i want a massive bacon sandwich...nom
world would be better off with 40% less humans living.
world would be better off with 40% less humans living.
yes, i guess thats what rogod also had in mind when he launched this flu program.
pigs flu?
i always knew they could
ok, so I just heard on the radio that only 8 of the deaths in Mexico have been confirmed to be swine flu.
this is all a grand scheme of the american gov't
no wait, they changed their preznit...
New preznit, new conzparashun
I am seeking contact with a mexican pig for a risky make-out session in mud. Boar-backing stylee.
Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → pandemia
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