Topic: hilfe f

dear german based bots, especially the ones living in berlin, hamburg.
and also to all the switzerland bots:

in november 2008 helene was born with a very aggressive form of leukemia. right now she is receiving her second treatment of chemotherapy with all its side effects.
neverthelesse she'll need a bone marrow transplantation. there'll be some actions concerning typification this month and maybe some of you come an typify your blood.
I'll post the german text here:

Wenige Minuten f

Re: hilfe f

hier ist noch ein weiterer Hilfeaufruf der k

Ey Freund Blase, es gibt süßen Brei!

3 (edited by Fred vom Jupiter 2009-02-07 18:09:49)

Re: hilfe f

maaaaaaaaaaan … ende.shtml

for the second post. The first seems to be real.

Re: hilfe f

the first one is definitely real, since helene is the daughter of friends of mine.
sorry didn't mean to spam or post hoaxes - would be great if anyone of you would come over to the typification..


Re: hilfe f

Maybe you guys can also try vitamin b-12 therapy. It's a food supplement which is virtually harmless and, although critisized and made fun of, cured a friend of mine from cancer recently (without chemo). Best of luck...

Re: hilfe f

thanks starsky, I'll pass that on to them...I guess they are trying anything to avoid chemo, since the first batch of chemo was nearly lethal.


Re: hilfe f

Here's a link of the docu that got us into it: … &hl=en

Re: hilfe f

heard yesterday in the news that they probably found someone as "Knochenmarkspender" for Helene...

Es gibt auch eine M

Ey Freund Blase, es gibt süßen Brei!

Re: hilfe f

hey messgott,
yes I've heard that too - the problem is, that its not a 100% fit, which might complicate the whole thing, since she's a baby..don't know - we're still hoping!