Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread


this sounds like what my bit one once did. you can do a few things:

-change the battery. this may be a battery problem, though unlikely.
-then see if there is a reset procedure. its possible that there is ''garbage'' in your memory chips, this will reset them.

the most likely thing that i think it is, is a contact problem. the bass station is still relatively new, so no ic's or caps should be kaputt yet. you can open it, and try to gently push on the curcuit board and wiggle the ribbon cables when its on (careful of the power supply if it has a mains on it! otherwise if it uses a wallwart youre safe) just push and fiddle, and see if anything happens. if it does, there's your problem. then resolder.

what has saved several of my machines, was completely resoldering all the solder points on the main board. yes, its a pain in the ass, but cold solder joints or cracks are almost impossible to find, and this solves the problem.. but youre looking at a few hours of soldering..

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

@ automatique: sounds as if it comes from the modulation section. Sometimes tweaking those knobs and switches to a certain value can save the situation if there is a memory data error creating conflict between the knob position and the memory data.
Try also to see if you can reset the unit to factory settings. I don'thave the bass station but already used it : it's capricious sometimes and can suddely get buggy or get back to normal for unknown reasons... but more aften after operating a switch than a knob.

Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Hi! I'm so happy - she works again! I opened the bass station before, right after "the accident", but nothing changed. So after your regards I checked everything (+connections within) again, put every single knob on standard position like explained in the manual, reseted the sounds and so on - now everything works again! Yeah!

Sometimes I get very confused in fact of those "little" bugs, because I have no technical knowledge and fear the worst. Thanks!

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Sh101 -- G#/Ab key does not work.   Something probably wrong with the contact... anyone have any tips before i perform surgery?

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

I also have a 101 problem to tag on in case there are experts about.
When NOT in CV/Gate mode, the 101 will randomly turn the arpeggiator on and off. This sucks when playing a sequence, arpeggiating, or just plain not using CV. You know how when you are running it off batteries and they are getting low and that red light turns on.... it's like that.. sorta, but when it's actually plugged in to the wall. I am guessing this could be a power thing?

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Does anyone know about replacing busted rotary encoders? One of the encoders on my D-Two delay took a knock and has stopped working (the rest of the unit works fine and the PCB isn't cracked, I checked).

How 'dumb' are rotary encoders? If i get one that has the same physical dimensions as the busted one I just removed, will it work OK, or are there issues with how it outputs data that mean I need to get a specific type of encoder?

All help appreciated, I havent ever worked with this kind of component before.


Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

@rsprats: so the problem was probably in one of those contacts you checked. sometimes disconnecting a connector and then connecting again solves the problem.. those contacts oxidyze over time and by doing this, you scrape off the oxidation. good to hear its back in business!
your 101 sounds like the keyboard contacts need a little cleaning.

@honey peters: nope. cold solder contacts on the little board that holds the buttons. open it up, take the connectors of the small board off, and take it out of the synth. resolder the contacts, plug back in. i fixed one for Fre2k that had the very same problem..

@ben jbx: rotary encoders going bad are a nightmare. you need to have the exact same part, otherwise all kinds of weird things can happen. this problem is now starting to come up, as gear with those things is aging. my lexicon vortex has one bad encoder, and you can't just replace them with any other one that has the same dimensions.. there are hunderds of different ones, you can try to find the part number and searh places like digikey..

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread


i just opened it up and it indeed is the contact.  When i took the little spring off the key and pressed hard it triggered the note.  However.. there is that plastic shield that prevents the keys from being removed.. Looks like its just glued on there.  Is it safe to remove this with a heat and then reapply with heat? or will i need to go buy some kind of adhesive before i plan to do this?

Good to know about Hpeters' problem as my friend is having something very similar happen.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

@rude, thanks for the advice. I emailed TC and they put me on to thier UK service centre so hopefully they can sell me a like-for-like replacement.

The faulty part i took out is an Alps controller with '4NN' stamped on the side, but no other info apart from the manufacturers name. I can't find anything in the Alps range that matches that part so maybe it's a special run or something. Here's hoping the service centre can hook me up.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

try some deoxit on encoders that might work.

i don't need the gear, the gear needs me

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Ben JBX wrote:

@rude, thanks for the advice. I emailed TC and they put me on to thier UK service centre so hopefully they can sell me a like-for-like replacement.

The faulty part i took out is an Alps controller with '4NN' stamped on the side, but no other info apart from the manufacturers name. I can't find anything in the Alps range that matches that part so maybe it's a special run or something. Here's hoping the service centre can hook me up.

Would that be Panic music? Cos if it is they are superb! Highly recomended..

+++ Dont be scared honey, thats just the resonance knob +++

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

@Ben JBX--- I have had problems with the encoders on both my M-one XL and D-Two. They have a very good parts department and sent me replacement parts for next to nothing. I even had to replace the rack ears on the M-one due to an accident, and it was $10 for the parts including shipping.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

@basscakes, who did you go to for the replacement parts? The UK service centre (it is Panic Music) are telling me TC won't ship parts to end users, and I need to send it to them for repair.

I don't really want to send it off to them, it's a lot of grief for a 2 minute soldering job.

114 (edited by rsprats 2009-02-16 23:32:06)

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

jp8000 -- When touching the 'key follow' knob on the filter it suddenly makes everything really quiet... like it set the key follow to a low level and you can never regain the same intensity of the tone unless you reload the patch.    The amp level knob does not seem to be doing anything.  Maybe the two issues are related... like the key follow knob is fucking with the amp level?

Any ideas?   shit it drives me nuts.

When i go to the CC # assign setup and move the key follow knob it goes nuts and starts switching back and forth from cc30 and cc07 very fast.  and the amp level does not respond if i move it  -- but sometimes it'll recognize that it is being moved... Seems like there is bad solder joint or something?

This just verifies that those two knobs are fucked in some way so i guess i'm asking if i need to replace those knobs or if resoldering them would do the trick.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

are those rotary encoders? this is exactly the behaviour of a dirty encoder. making weird connections and giving strange bouncing values all over the place. you can try resoldering, but i'd first give them a good blowout with air, if that doesn't work use some contact spray.. (you may need something special for encoders, i don't remember).. for my lexicon, this has worked until now, though there is one preset, no 15, that's unusable because the machine starts to blink suddenly..

if that doesn't work try resoldering, if that doesn't work, replace..

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

yup -- rotary encoders.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

plugged in the juno-6 after a spell of it not being used.  worked fine apart from the chorus.  buttons lit up but no chorus.  left synth on, went to shops, came back and the chorus is working but now one of the voices seems to have dropped out.   wtf?  I know the 106 has a common voice problem but does that apply for 6's or 60's as well?


Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

rude66 wrote:

(you may need something special for encoders, i don't remember)...

caig deoxit 100% available in small tubes works for hopping/sticking encoders.


Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

ekranoplan wrote:

I know the 106 has a common voice problem but does that apply for 6's or 60's as well?

nope. they don't have the parts that die in a 106.
this will be a different problem.
and probably a lot cheaper to fix.

time for a tech!


Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

last week, I repaired my SDE2000, and SDE3000..  and today, repaired 5 dead pads on my MPC2000xl!


Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

pff.. i had my mk1 syntecno teebee all opened because it was acting weird. its loosing its settings for the cv/gate and midi channels, and now it was even resetting its own filter settings. after a lot of testing, it turned out to be not the teebee itself, but the $^&*^$$## midi controller keyboard that has dirty controller pots, and is constantly sending out random controller data.
the teebee loosing its midi etc settings is a more serious problem, apparantly there's a ram in there with an internal battery thats empty and can't be replaced.. so i need to feed it a sysex file every time its switched on in order to work.

cleaned out the keyboard control pots, but its cheap plastic junk so well see how long it lasts. and the thing also refuses to send out midi via usb.. but if i plug a midi cable in, it works...

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

modern gear is shit!
I bought a Novation 37 SL as a master keyboard for my cv'd synths and it's in for repairs, for the second time in 8 months.

First time they had to change the front panel because all the silkscreening was just dissapearing if you just looked at it hard, at least they agreed it was a defect.
I have 30 year old synths that have perfect slikscreening, Novation decided to innovate with scratch card technology.

But then it comes back and they left a big gap on the front when reassembling it (that I could'nt fix myself), so off it went again.  Precision moulding should suggest precision assembling, not for Novation.
The worse part is that they also scrapped a Drumstation V1 I sent them to upgrade the chip, they could'nt reassemble it properly and sent it back all crooked with the missing screws in a little bag.

I'm really afraid that it'll come back even worse this time.

Makes me want to get an old Kurzweil MIDIboard I saw selling locally.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

i'm no fan of novation stuff.. i had their midi controller here for a while (that new big one) and it was also very sloppy put together. this keyboard is an evolution, and it does the same with the silkscreening.. it all disappears. and something is wrong inside, youre supposed to be able to change the ''midi via usb'' function between ''yes and''no'' but it stays stuck in ''no''.. its also not recognized anywhere in my software, i can only use it as a midi keyboard via a midi soundcard.. cheap junk.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

I have an earlier Novation ReMote49 and two of the sliders occasionally send data when they feel like it.  It's indeed frustrating, but not terribly surprising.  The thing feels cheap as can be.  I'm fairly certain that I could use a Peavey PC1600 like a hammer to smash the Novation to bits and the Peavey would still work fine.  Oh well.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Ruud, don't get me started on the software part, I have to edit it from my laptop because my music computer won't connect to it, the MIDI i/o is so loose and jittery it's a joke and a waste of time.  It only works with certain things disabled in the Ableton Live midi configuration

It seemed like a cool all-in-one solution for midi control and I'm still sort of satisfied with that part, the keys are the best I've tried.

It still is the last Novation product I ever buy also the last from Archambault musique and the distributor JAM industries, these last two treated me like I was crazy because even if it looked like I had toured with it for years while it had just been sitting in my studio for a few months "it still worked"
thanks guys, very professionnal.

I usually buy things used, it gives you the time  for bad user reviews to come out and it filters out the duds.

MIDI controllers are like computer printers, they don't make deluxe ones and they're all disposable.