Topic: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.
Good day kind people,
This year I hope to finish my master studies in cultural economics. The key to do this, is to write a thesis on self-conducted research.. I will be doing research on the role of information in the difference between an expert and layman's valuation of built heritage.
I've designed an experiment, that consists of approx. 5 forms to be filled out. I looked at several thesis tools website, but since I am aiming for a slightly more dynamic approach than a simple survey, plus I would like to capture some clicking behaviour of the people taking part in the research, I'm affraid I would need to design the research enviroment myself.. But all I know is how to waste time on the internet, I can't program at all.
What I am looking for is someone, preferably in NL, that has time to help me program this research enviroment. It most probably isn't difficult, but a little boring. The design will consist of a few webpages that can be filled out, where the data will be captured in a database of some sort.
I can offer meals, beers, gezelligheid, or straight up hard cash in limited amounts if that is what you are looking for. Probably it is easiest if you speak Dutch, since my research will be in Dutch too.
Please mail me if you think you can help me out, so I can send you my research proposal and design, since I assume the above is rather vague.
Thanks a lot,