1 (edited by Starborough 2009-01-08 10:29:15)

Topic: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.

Good day kind people,

This year I hope to finish my master studies in cultural economics. The key to do this, is to write a thesis on self-conducted research.. I will be doing research on the role of information in the difference between an expert and layman's valuation of built heritage.

I've designed an experiment, that consists of approx. 5 forms to be filled out. I looked at several thesis tools website, but since I am aiming for a slightly more dynamic approach than a simple survey, plus I would like to capture some clicking behaviour of the people taking part in the research, I'm affraid I would need to design the research enviroment myself.. But all I know is how to waste time on the internet, I can't program at all.

What I am looking for is someone, preferably in NL, that has time to help me program this research enviroment. It most probably isn't difficult, but a little boring. The design will consist of a few webpages that can be filled out, where the data will be captured in a database of some sort.

I can offer meals, beers, gezelligheid, or straight up hard cash in limited amounts if that is what you are looking for. Probably it is easiest if you speak Dutch, since my research will be in Dutch too.

Please mail me if you think you can help me out, so I can send you my research proposal and design, since I assume the above is rather vague.

Thanks a lot,

e-mail: starborough_at_intergalacticfm.com

Re: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.

the thesis is "Do stoned people do surveys faster than drunk people"

Re: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.

You need some sort of experiment building software. it is out there, but a bit tricky to set up. I'll ask around and post something by the weekend. Some are able to capture mouse activity.


Re: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.

Thanks Honey Peters, any hints would be most appreciated!

Re: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.

Maybe this works for you: http://www.limesurvey.org
There's a demo: http://www.limesurvey.org/content/view/15/81/lang,nl/


Re: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.

I am pretty sure these survey tools won't do it, I've looked at quite a few of those, they are not capable of doing what i want..

What I want is to give the participant an amount of money that they have to distribute amongst ten heritage sites. The survey itself should be capable of checking the total sum of spent money, so that the participants do not spend more than is in the fixed budget..

Here's an idea of what I want.. in excel. But I would also like to capture clicking behaviour etc.


7 (edited by r2dj 2009-01-09 19:32:18)

Re: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.

it seems like you are wanting to use some website usability techniques. There are certain web analytics tools that use a cookie to track mouse movements over the course of a session - can't remember their names through sorry.

What about WinAutomation? that can be used to records mouse and keyboard actions. You may be able to get a free licence to cover your data collection activities. Companies love being associated with academics, no?

Another alternative would be to set up a video camera pointing at the screen and just record people actions. You can then review and analyse after the fact.

Re: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.

if i understand its just a simple program with an amount of money and they allocate some cash into different places that have some sort of descriptions - there isnt actually going to be real money / real webbrowsing / applying to donate money through websites, etc going on..right?

can make a flash program and just save all the cursor data each person does..

actually the above text was just an excuse for me to post this cursor game:

Re: Looking for a computer programmer to help me with my Master Thesis.

The camera and winautomation sounds o.k. but imagine having to hand enter all the data so it can be analyzed.
The great thing about experiment software is that it shoots out the data in a format that makes it easy use with statistical software (wow this has became the most boring thing I have seen on this forum).

This is the one I heard about called e-prime http://www.pstnet.com/products/e%2Dprime/

Later this year I will have to set up eye tracking studies. The software for it is 'modular' based.