Re: Setting up a stream yourself?

Robot Monster wrote:

Does anyone know of any type of programming software to use with shoutcast or any of the other broadcasting softwares? I would like to set up a schedule, so that it plays from a certain playlist during certain hours. Also, is there a way to make jingles play between every tenth track or something similiar?

you can check SAM Broadcaster by Spacial Audio. You can do everything you talk about here...

Tune in to Pitchounet Radio (24/7) :
"The Swiss Fondue Mixture", LIVE each Wednesday 22:00-23:00 on IFM1

102 (edited by Robot Monster 2008-07-11 13:10:26)

Re: Setting up a stream yourself?

Cheers, will take a look on it later on smile

Edit: Ouch. Can't afford that. Any similiar free programs out there?


103 (edited by JamesTRubotnik 2008-07-11 15:16:21)

Re: Setting up a stream yourself?

OK, transmitted audioasyl tech contact to alex now.

he also raised the question about royalties (because audioasyl is paying their dues as it seems). i wonder what other robots know about national royalties for international net radios. did the cbs ever pay their buma/stemra dues?

and where the hell would one pay royalties in a distributed (p2p type) system? sounds like another call for international usage flat rates to me...