Re: anyone else got a hangover?

verisimilitude wrote:
Der Haack wrote:

I feel a really big hangover comming on sunday ...

Saturday we have our annual big outdoor BBQ over at a friends' house.
We invite everyone we know, always rent a BIG soundsystem & play records all night long because there aren't any neighbours there...

The cops show up every year but the complaints usually come someone who lives 5 Km away.... cool
And everybody usually sleeps over so nobody has to drive
expectations skyhigh smile

sounds like a killer party.

this is the 5th year we're doin' this in a row ...
every year this is one of my highlights!!!

If nobody had neighbours there would be a lot more awesome parties ! wink

"Heaven's in the backseat of my Cadillac"

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

I stopped boozing years ago, so no more hangovers big_smile

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

i dont have hangover, but I know that Inkinen will have the big one tomorrow smile!!!

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

Made it to work! I think it is time for my 6th cup of coffee.

<Pete> His life was programmed from the very start.
<MacGyver> He never had a chance.

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

have been slightly hung over all week now. monday was a really bad start into the week, tuesday i showed a schulm

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

ill as fuuuuuck...thought i was over a heavy weekend of abuse, and since yesterday morning i've been floored with the cold. delayed in the post sad

32 (edited by Communicator 2008-07-12 20:36:15)

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

I went to go see The Advent last night and had a blast, thus I have a hangover but sooooo worth it. smile

Do it your way, because everyone else is just weird.

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

Went to Pacha club here in Buenos Aires last night. Damn, never seen so many hot girls as here. It was a long time ago that i had a party like this, altough the music was crap, i had lots of fun! Little tired now, tommorow im hitting the pampa

cycling around a planet called 'Earth'

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

after a nap and a meal feeling just fine smile

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

rough as arseholes here

keep hackney crap

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

HOORAH! for snuday night drinkers... 'they just dont give a fuck about monday'


Re: anyone else got a hangover?

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

Ouch. Woke up this morning on the couch at a friends place, hobgoblin on my shoulders screaming in my ears, vaguely constructing the pieces of a wicked North Sea Jazz jam session last night. Hello world

Non linear elements avoid the void of your voice

39 (edited by Sander 2008-07-14 13:40:29)

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

Just had two North Sea Jazz Hilton afterparties and working again today. No hangover, but just brak.

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

lost my bag this fridaynight, no worries, i just had my work-cell in it, a new shirt, a new pair of pants, 2 t-shirts i loved.
im terrible when it comes to keep things near me when im out boozing.

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

Reminds me, upon waking up the morning after the Advent show I couldn't remember where I left my camera. I remembered setting it on the bar when I got a round and feared that I left it there. Looked in my gf's glovebox and it was there, along with my iPod. Whew! tongue

Do it your way, because everyone else is just weird.

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

"in my gf's glovebox" - is that some kind of slang? tongue

☂ bezoek okiland !

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

NOW it is! Hahaha!

Do it your way, because everyone else is just weird.

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

day 2 of hangover has come to an end. maybe i feel better tomorrow?

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

Phew, heavy boozin.. Good stuffs. Im hung over as a mofo but it was worth it


Re: anyone else got a hangover?

I wonder what tommorow brings.

i don't need the gear, the gear needs me

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

i did have a hangover today. Damnit.

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

Went to see Yaz last night. I'm at work with one, had a blast though - awesome show!

Do it your way, because everyone else is just weird.

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

jesus fuckshit! monster hangover. I feel a caf

Re: anyone else got a hangover?

i like caf