Topic: The Intergalactic FM Universal Radio Player
Seems like the CBS thread about this isn't active... tho is anything over there anyomore.
Got to have to disagree with the bots replying over on the cbs forum (when the thread was still active)
The player isn't that special.
I'm fine with flash and even running the applet with wine emulator on linux but
The fixed now-playing/previously played text scrolls tediously slowly in a very small fixed window and there is no-now playing info scrolling down in the task bar - at least mine just reads "Adobe Flash Player 9".
Then sometimes I the player starts playing too slow (just like 33 although they should be 45 or slower) Has anyone else experienced this. It speeds up again if a toggle channels. What is going on?
Wouldn't mind having the stream URLs available at and using any player I like.
<MacGyver> He never had a chance.