Topic: I-doser: next step, electronic music will be illegal?
Hi guys,
I was reading the online version of one of the italian biggest newspaper, I found an interesting article about a company who is selling audio files with binaural beats that should simulate the "psychedelic" effect of drugs. Mind you, they even named the files with real drug names..
What's wrong with this? So far, nothing, except that it can be considered a great fraud... But if you read the newspaper article it gets quite
serious: … tuale.html
(It's in italian, sorry... Google translate can try to be your friend)
The point is that the main insitution for science research got involved and they are now saying that this is bad and can really be compared to
illegal drugs... and this brings to me the fact that electronic music is most of the time based on experimental sounds...
So if they make a statement like "electronic sounds can seriously damage your health" and even pass a law against this, then this means the end of electronic music at all.
I would like to hear your opinion about this, maybe post as well some other newspapers articles from somewhere else in the world...