Re: Google Chrome

z1000 wrote:

i think it aims to control our minds

close! … -49xu.html

Re: Google Chrome

Dez wrote:
leedorean wrote:
Dez wrote:

well as a web developer chrome makes my life more difficult...just one more browser to debug.

it uses the same rendering engine as safari

this is true, but i've already noticed some minor differences...

just like i notice some minor differences between ff2 and ff3...unfortunately i can't just assume that because something looks good in safari it'll look good in chrome.

i know, that comment was a little like whisteling in the dark... i notices some stuff too. lets see where this thing goes. so far it offers too little features for me.

Re: Google Chrome

i like it because it has the mosts space dedicated to actual webcontent compared to IE and FF. No unneeded borders when maximized. (As a webdeveloper i'm not happy with another browser, everyone should just use IE big_smile)

29 (edited by Nukubot 2008-09-05 11:56:50)

Re: Google Chrome

raoul wrote:

As a webdeveloper i'm not happy with another browser, everyone should just use IE big_smile

and you should buy a Mac tongue

Re: Google Chrome

Nukubot wrote:
raoul wrote:

As a webdeveloper i'm not happy with another browser, everyone should just use IE big_smile

and you should buy a Mac tongue

maybe i will, and install vista on it big_smile

Re: Google Chrome

a femac?

Showing the way for the modern man to become a Model Man.

Re: Google Chrome

raoul wrote:
Nukubot wrote:
raoul wrote:

As a webdeveloper i'm not happy with another browser, everyone should just use IE big_smile

and you should buy a Mac tongue

maybe i will, and install vista on it big_smile

buy a mac and put parallels on it or something like that. and then install xp.
you problaby will not use it apart from testing stuff in IE but just in case.


Re: Google Chrome

raoul wrote:

As a webdeveloper i'm not happy with another browser, everyone should just use IE big_smile

Really?? a web developer IE6 is the bane of my existence! I swear once support for IE6 ends I will be dancing in the streets.

Everyone should use FF

Re: Google Chrome

if chrome succeeds in diminishing IE usage below 10% (one can dream!) i'm all for it. humanity has to be rid of that standards ignoring piece of junk.

there was a speed comparison between different browsers in a german 'puter magazine a few weeks back (i don't think they tested chrome) which nicely showed who's the boss and who's the bitch. and i'm not talking about market share. in suckiness IE7 was only topped by IE8 beta. OK it's a beta but we've seen redmond fuck up many times before.


Re: Google Chrome

Yeah...unfortunately, i think chrome will cut into FF's market share, not IEs'

Re: Google Chrome

then i'm against it

Re: Google Chrome

@Dez; i totally agree on IE6... always a pain in the ass :-)
Tried google chrome and deinstalled it... if its a safari engine then it ok, but i keep using FF, especially for the great add-on's

Re: Google Chrome

from time to time i saw a GoogleUpdate process in the google gets update from me. NO!
so i also deinstalled the shit!

Ey Freund Blase, es gibt süßen Brei!

Re: Google Chrome

Im scared of using chrome now, it made my computer freeze, is it just a coincidence just after i installed it and tried browsing. Then later my computer wouldnt shut down, happened twice, saying a program is still running, google update, close program.

"positive mutation!"

Re: Google Chrome

I love it, I use it everyday!

"Another day, another dollar, another irreplaceable chunk of a finite and rapidly decreasing lifetime."

Re: Google Chrome

Clive Sinclair wrote:

I love it, I use it everyday!

You're under control! Can't say no!

freakazoids, Robots, Please Report To The Dancefloor


Re: Google Chrome

Clive Sinclair wrote:

I love it, I use it everyday!

Google loves you too...

Re: Google Chrome

Dez wrote:
raoul wrote:

As a webdeveloper i'm not happy with another browser, everyone should just use IE big_smile

Really?? a web developer IE6 is the bane of my existence! I swear once support for IE6 ends I will be dancing in the streets.

Everyone should use FF

yes IE6 should die, i meant IE7 off course.
well either ie7 of FF. as long as there is just one standard, i'll learn to work with it.