After 3 months, I'm still getting bullshitted by this venue, run by this "organizer".
So, if you ever have to deal with this person, I'd stay away. Blacklisted.
(IG: @edustruments)
The whole story:
The gig in Barcelona was on July 5.
After 3 months I haven't seen a cent. The place was full and it was actually a great party.
Ed Warner - I've been playing out since 2005 in 20+ countries, and never had to deal with a person like this.
Replies with 3 words in a month, if he even remembers to do that. The gig was announced in February, posts the flyer 2 days before the gig...Frustrating bullshit already, as you can imagine, I didn't even know if the gig is happening. The flyer had completely different organizers on it, never heard of 'em before. Edu doesn't even show up for the gig. After the gig ghosts me completely, reads messages but doesn't give a single fuck to reply. You have to ASK OTHER PEOPLE to tell him to reply to you, and still nada. The other organizers are saying he needs to pay... Invoice VAT, whatever horseshit they didn't figure out in advance, agreed on less money, fine. Gave them a bank account, sent me some bullshit paper that doesn't even have my account on it. Made a mistake!? Really, can't manage a bank transfer either huh? Since then it's been all kinds of lame excuses... Nothing. Mañana mañana!?
The gig in Madrid was canceled the next day, 1 day before. Meanwhile I bought the plane tickets from Sofia to Barcelona and train tickets to Madrid cuz hey, I'm supposed to get paid from 2 gigs!?
This guy, Edu runs M.U.S.A electro label and is even involved with Ombra festival (I can't imagine what kinda mess this must be).
The gig was at his venue 78|33, also runs 2 others, 33|45 and 45|33. It's basically like talking to a wall, seems he doesn't give a single shit?!
In our small scene, where everything is based on mutual trust?! This has been the most humiliating and fucked up gig "organization" experience ever.