Re: What movies/tv shows are you robots watching?!
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Robots for Robots → Random media → What movies/tv shows are you robots watching?!
Garbage. Didn't think it was possible to make a shittier Star Wars film than the prequels.
How hard can it be to make a decent Star Wars film? Cant Hollywood just employ someone that actually know and like Star Wars, that have grown up with the films. Gareth Edwards did a fantastic job on Rouge One, employ him for god sake!
It's like when you where a kid and "old" people tried to be "cool". The conversation must have been something like this: Hey mr. Rian Johnson could you direct the new star wars film? Yeah sure that sound fun (and profitable). Now isn't Star Wars the film with a flying monkey? Haven't seen them but my (5 year old) kid love those films especially that character Jar Jar Binks. Let's see what more do kids like, harry potter maybe? those made a lot of money, if i could combine some way hmm. CGI sound cool, that's new and trendy right? Lots of CGI i guess. CGI Space monsters wow that sound so cool! The kids must love that, but they have to be cute, that's important! If Luke could drink milk directly from an udder of a cute space cow that's surely will make the kids laugh. Lets change the design of the at-at walkers, why not put evil red eyes on them so the kids understand they are evil, and while we are at it why not replace the the Red Guard with red power rangers, power rangers are cool right?. Gial Ackbar, who is that? Hmm he looks kind of creepy, best replace him with a purple haired Mary Poppins lady, the kids still love Mary Poppins right? and so on and so on. There even was a Space James Bond, in a Suit!...
still it gets good reviews. wtf. It would be interesting to hear what you fellow robots think?
(or better save your money)
Dumbbot wrote - The Punisher. This is a slow paced, political series about (haven't watch it all) the grayscales of war, CIA, guns and returning Afghanistan veterans that's gone crazy. lots of extreme violence and stereotypical "manly" Hooah Hooah Americans that talks with a dark bitter "manly" voice . this is a comic book, but still they are able to make is as above, slow paced and greyish. they don't have to make Punisher Macgyver or put in a CGI cat that falls over and makes cute and funny faces. but star wars...
(Sorry for the nerdism, i do love my Star Wars)
good one, really looking forward to season 2.
From the same director as the Spanish horror REC.
Was all rather predictable...
Great doc about this guy's farm
Not great, really.
I was actually utterly disappointed. Maybe because I had already read and enjoyed the book and so came with certain excitement and expectations. However, the movie has almost nothing to do with the book, its characters, their stories, all the quests, everything is different and all these changes are (imo) made for the worse. There is no love for the story or for the characters, no emotion, no charm, no atmosphere, no wit, no meaning, just fast, flashy action for the sake of action and visuals, fake soppiness and half-baked characters noone cares about.
I was wondering whether I'd liked it better hadnt I read the book before. Well, I cant tell, I dont know. I believe I would have missed a few things that are important to know but not really (well or at all) explained in the movie. And I doubt I would have liked any of the characters more.
Definitely forgettable, at best.
Enjoyed this one! It's quite a good (yet VERY bleak!) 80s teenage coming of age movie, and more realistic than others, say (e.g.) John Hughes movies. Good performances by Dennis Hopper, Crispin Glover and (already beautiful) Keanu Reeves, too.
Edit: Apparently the story is even based on real events where in the early 80s a teenage boy killed his teenage gf, dumped her body somewhere and then later showed the body to his friends from school as well as his brother. Shockingly the kids were very casual about it and rather unaffected by it all and simply went back to school, the arcade or home, falling asleep over listening to the radio.
Makes you wonder..
It‘s a teenage rom-com on Netflix. Well, I actually like these kinda movies and this was certainly not the worst I have ever watched
Werner Herzog - On Death Row
The Punisher -Season 2
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