Re: What movies/tv shows are you robots watching?!
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Robots for Robots → Random media → What movies/tv shows are you robots watching?!
ghost in the shell
nice one, its sci-fi so dont mind the plot holes,etc
stunning visuals though
loved the spider tank
the anime was good!
"Get Out" was fun
"The Authopsy Of Jane Doe" not so
Silicon valley season 3
Just watched The Emerald Forrest.
I saw it years back but saw a blog with a couple of dutch lads on about it:
To be honest the records they were on about were mostly gash but the soundtrack of The Emerald Forest is alright. Ah in all fairness some of the records sounded like they might be interesting but it was that kinda fuckin garbage backstory of "I found this -cunt- and it was such an amazingly new and interesting -cunt- that I had to -wank-" rubbish kinda stuff. Sort of "I found "The Fountainhead" in a charity shop and it changed my life" kinda snooker cue in your eye kinda drivel.
The film. Dunno if it's meant to have subtitles but must admit I kinda enjoyed watching a full movie, more or less, where I hadn't a clue what the dialogue was. Deacent. Wouldn't run home to watch it but it being nice and indecipherable with bits and bobs of animals and lads with like muck all over em and running about. The sin subtitulos version I watched allowed for some quality zoning out. Must be great being from a lost tribe, desiring minidiscs and a landline instead of the things I want.
Interesting as well to hear some stolen sample that some then made into a record, from 01:52:00 for anyone who wonders where Eagle's End from AldenTyrell and David Vunk came from:
wonder if films like these will ever be made again
@ cebteq was it good? have you read the book?
it was ok as a coming of age horror movie/ 80s throwback ala stranger things (they cant beat speilberg, tho) haha but i wish It would have killed all those dumb kids
hmm you made me look at stranger things trailer, downloading... or what am i saying! i mean ordering! buying! with money!
in the book (spoiler) they return to derry as grown ups might be a opening for a sequel. the book is pretty good if you haven't read it.
yeah it is definitely set up for sequel after sequel, i left the theater a little early when they were saying their goodbyes cuz it dragged... i didnt read the book but is it true they all lose their virginity to beverly ?? that sounds awesome
yeah if i remember right they do... to gain power? cant remember. think the book is like 1300 pages or something. I'm tempted to read it again now with all the It fuss. didn't like the 90 series tho. good to hear it was good / okay, hard to know with these remakes.
man, i would have remembered something like that (then again my comprehension is pretty good )
my favorite parts of the movie involve the presence of pure evil, of course...
hehe it wasn't a whole chapter of lovemaking. think the last parts of stephen king books is the weakest, this felt a bit misplaced.
She is like molly ringwald, i would have liked if they showed her getting molested or something... some gratuitous sex is always good in horror flicks
Robots for Robots → Random media → What movies/tv shows are you robots watching?!
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