1 (edited by coae 2017-04-29 11:48:59)

Topic: Spoken Word (kind of)

Didn't know what what to call this topic, guess its sort off spoken word. If know any good post em here...
(Or if you know any cool movie quote / dialogue clip that's fine to)

Pastor John Rydgrens voice is freaking awesome cool

for the swedes


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Companion piece to the Leonard Nimoy one in the original post smile

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)

I always enjoyed the voice of Paul Bowles...the gentle sibilance of his aged and weathered voice make his stories and poetry soothing.


Let's get Dumb

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)



Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Let's get Dumb

13 (edited by coae 2017-07-29 22:59:46)

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)

Lina Ekdahl // Solidaritet

starts at 11:00:
http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/45 … gramid=767

google translate:

The Pocahontas dock needs us
The Pocahontas game needs us
The Pocahontas binder needs us
The Pocahontas desktop wallpaper needs us
The shirt with Pocahontas needs us
The pants with Pocahontas need us
The pajamas with Pocahontas need us
The trousers with Pocahontas need us
The underpants with Pocahontas need us
The little Pocahontas playset needs us
The great Pocahontas playset needs us
The usual Pocahontas playsets needs us
The Pocahontas puzzle needs us
The Pocahontas poster needs us
The Pocahontas activity book needs us
The Pocahontas calendar needs us
The pocahontas pens need us
The Pocahontas balloons need us
The Pocahontas backpacks need us
The Pocahontas photo albums need us
The Pocahontas diary needs us
The Pocahonte trash bin needs us
The Pocahontas penholder needs us
The Pocahont magazine collector needs us
The Pocahontaspostcards need us
The Pocahontascalendar needs us
The Pocahontaspuse need us
The Pocahontas cd needs us
The Pocahontas bath foam needs us
The Pocahontatoothbrush needs us
The Pocahontas towels need us
The Pocahontas pencil case in metal needs us
The Pocahontas pencil case in fabric needs us
The plastic Pocahontas pencil case needs us

that might be,
sure thing
but that was before
it was formerly that Pocahontas needed us

But there are others who need us
There are others who need us now

Spiderman for example
Spiderman needs us
Harry Potter needs us

That's right, Arn
Arn needs us

Ratatouille needs us
The Ratatouille pencil case in metal needs us
The Ratatouille pencil case in fabric needs us
The little Ratatouille play set in fabric needs me
The big Ratatouille concrete kit needs you.

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)

anyone hear what he says? sounds like german or maybe latin.

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)

Likely a variation of A.E.I.O.U.

Tuō Men Xiōng Hǎopéngyou..

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)

wow, thanks!
(maybe you should apply for jeopardy or something like that smile)

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)

^If my mind and google would become 1 → an Ichi(theKiller)*google/skynet hybrid for instance!?! Would do then if only I weren‘t such a sissy.. wink


Tuō Men Xiōng Hǎopéngyou..

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Tuō Men Xiōng Hǎopéngyou..

19 (edited by coae 2017-08-18 21:39:32)

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)

^ a killers mind merges with internet, sounds like a cyborg thriller
(maybe you should write a sci-fi novel smile)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Joseph Beuys - Ja Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne (1968)

Tuō Men Xiōng Hǎopéngyou..


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)

https://soundcloud.com/joakimpirinenmik … rnrum-i-en
https://soundcloud.com/joakimpirinenmik … berg/fikus

Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)


Re: Spoken Word (kind of)
