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Robots for Robots → Random media → What movies/tv shows are you robots watching?!
narcos (medellin cartel docu-drama). recommended.
Anybody watching mr. Robot? Just saw the second episode. It's interesting but I'm not hooked yet.
40 yrs
Yeah another +1 for rick and morty, it is brilliant on so many interdimensional levels
Thanks for the Ricky and Morty tip.
great show!
deep, insightful, impressive
Cool movie by Laurie Anderson?
yep the one and only! smart cookie
Can someone id the movie that the sample that plays on IFM is from?
"hit me. hit me chump, cmon move chump, hit me... muscle man bones!"
All about Fargo season 2
All about Fargo season 2
finale is almost there
Have been super busy lately, so haven't watched as much as I'd like
ran def one of my favourites
ran def one of my favourites
Saw it at Cinemateket! On old glitchy film, no digital remastered crap
But I have to say I enjoyed Kagemusha more, of the two.
+1 Fargo
have to say fargo finale was quite disappointing
wont spoil anything for those who haven't seen it
but def a step in the right direction in my opinion.
Robots for Robots → Random media → What movies/tv shows are you robots watching?!
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