Topic: pono

neil young is behind a new high resolution FLAC player (using audiophile components) that can handle files: (44.1 kHz/16 bit), (48 kHz/24 bit), (96 kHz/24 bit), (192 kHz/24 bit).
It also supports ALAC, mp3, WAV, AIFF, AAC.

With storage density reaching a size compact enough, hopefully this will be the death knell for mp3 (about bloody time too).

No wireless streaming support in the first version, but will probably happen in v2.

take a look


Re: pono

why stick to the boring old ipod/ mp3 player

bring back hi fi stereo sysyems

Re: pono

cebteq wrote:

why stick to the boring old ipod/ mp3 player

bring back hi fi stereo sysyems

there is a proper line out included also, so you can hook it up to any system.

4 (edited by cebteq 2014-03-22 21:42:30)

Re: pono

yeah but sound is only as good as your player

something like this I would buy … TEAC+2.jpg

Re: pono

sure, as long as you don't plan on taking your music with you.
the converters in the yellow thing are supposed to be as good as you can fit in a portable. versatility has it's advantages too.
i guess adding a digital out would be a good idea?


Re: pono

hal ya digital out would revolutionize everything

Re: pono

seems some of the backers are requesting same. this might look interesting in one or two years.

Re: pono

The sound quality of the ipod/iphone is total crap, but why don't they just make a hifi version ipod/iphone instead. Ipod pono edition etc.

Re: pono

heifetz wrote:

The sound quality of the ipod/iphone is total crap, but why don't they just make a hifi version ipod/iphone instead. Ipod pono edition etc.

mainly because you can't fit good converters into a phone. to add to that, most mp3 listeners simply don't give a crap about dynamics & harmonics, so to them the idea of having a separate player just looks like a step back in time. this is a niche product, and that's why the big boys are not playing ball (yet). with phones becoming ever thinner, it's hard to see this technology being adopted by the bigs at all.

Re: pono

Ok, wasn't aware that converters take up so much space. But mobile is the Future so this may take off

Re: pono

I don't think were are gonna see the back of mp3 anytime soon, even industry standard manufacturers like pioneer don't support FLAC on the topline CDJ's. I think people have collected huge amounts of mp3 over the years and aren't will to upgrade their collections...

And besides, I am will to sacrifice sound quality on a portable device ..for the convenience of carrying one single multi function device like a phone. So long as it drowns out the other people on the train/bus/plane & i don't have to talk to them big_smile

If this thing had a line-in and could make high-rez recordings as well as a might be interesting.

Let's get Dumb


Re: pono

this guy flacing off