926 (edited by Henri Puolitaival 2013-01-13 00:13:03)

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

Ray Van Mechelen wrote:

do you guys also make tracks with that gear or is it just collecting?

It is there reminding me how I should make more music.

You were just a damn sequencer
Moving to the beat
Living with a synthesizer
Cold as a repeat

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

Ray Van Mechelen wrote:

do you guys also make tracks with that gear or is it just collecting?

Not as much as I would like but it all gets used. Just started mixing too hence the decks.

928 (edited by neudphoto 2013-02-10 15:58:41)

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics


whoops- this probably goes in the new booty thread..


Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

Ray Van Mechelen wrote:

do you guys also make tracks with that gear or is it just collecting?

More experiments than tracks but http://soundcloud.com/greg_houghton

@Neudphoto sweet collection! What you recording to?

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

HOBYA wrote:

@Neudphoto sweet collection! What you recording to?

I record directly into a MOTU interface.

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

Here is my updated studio room. I sold a lot of gear and don't regret it. I got rid of all the vintage Keyboards. I have a Modular Blue Lantern Synth for analog stuff. I got a cheap Chinese remote control led light bulb for perfect mood changes.

Planet of Cevo

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

nice lightning you've got there....

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

I ended up moving the Korg Radias and making a small keyboard out of it.


Planet of Cevo

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

I also redid the modular case and got rid of the glowing case, it was way to tall.

Planet of Cevo

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics


Re: New COCKpits & GearPics


Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

dr*p *t from sequencer.de?

nice to meet you here big_smile
it's the noseman!!

fresh pix, keep em coming ^^

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

hi noseman big_smile yep, it's me ^^

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

Finally filled the case https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/381500_355967624503741_1952263137_n.jpg

Planet of Cevo


Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

Needing a ladder...soon.

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics


Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

@ RBB I have the TG33 too, how do you like it?


Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

Marco Tulio Thrash wrote:

@ RBB I have the TG33 too, how do you like it?

Hey Marco, I do like it. Definite personality of its own. Gritty tones, moody. Even like the drums. Also, multitimbral's the best.


Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

Das Geheim > Discogs



TB or not TB

Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

That's a cool pic.


Re: New COCKpits & GearPics

S.T.E.N.T.E.C. wrote:

That's a cool pic.

thanks, is was made in the proces of making this album:

http://www.discogs.com/Das-Geheim-Momen … se/6035408


TB or not TB