Re: Should I buy...
Well, I'm being offered a K1m for 55€ inc. shipping so I might as well check it out.
A D-550, perhaps, if I can pick it up real cheap with a working backlight. (The first "real" synth I ever played was a D-20, fond memories about those Seinfeld slap basses )
I had the K1m also before, bought it for 50euros orso I believe also.
Sounds okay. vectorstick is fun. But overall too crippled in features etc.
But okay if you have only a few synths this might be a nice cheap addon to build a larger arrangement in your tracks or so.
I think Future Sound of London used one also, but hell they used a whole lot of stuff. Most likely anything they can get their hands on.
Ow and D50/D550/VC1 is one of the best synths evah imo