it's a weird one. First season was pretty damn impressive and they got the balance between the drama and the zombie action spot on I thought. I read some of the comics before and always liked the fact they added something new to the mythos without alienating the zombie freaks (you know, the people who will yell at you when you say 28 Days Later was your favorite zombie flick, even though they are not zombies. I've done this, I felt bad after, I don't do it anymore)
anyway, first episode of season 2 was really tense and well made. I'm not sure about the slowness of what has happened since. The revelation at the end of last weeks episode could have been done earlier moving the plot onwards. I wonder if it's got a little confused. The trend of these long running series is maybe to live up to The Wire?
I don't want The Wire again, I want fucking Zombie Apocalypse. Sort it the fuck out. (Haven't seen last night's episode yet though)