1 (edited by teknob 2011-11-01 20:58:15)

Topic: Another new drum machine

for more of a SID sound, I think I would like this more than the electron
should be €350

2 (edited by Orbweaver 2011-11-02 01:46:23)

Re: Another new drum machine


Re: Another new drum machine

Haha I like how they named the "Run Stop" button wink

Re: Another new drum machine

Uh.... on the list!!!!

Home is where your hardware is!!!
ErrorAudio SoundCloud

Re: Another new drum machine

great for those 8bit Terror trax

But I think I'll pass on this one big_smile Better get a C64II then

Re: Another new drum machine

On the list, they're only round the corner from me so I'll pick one up when they're ready.

@sceptic.  I have a C64 and a MSSIAH for sale if you're interested  big_smile

Re: Another new drum machine

1st tune with the DCM8.  The panned percussion is a ring modulated WMD Gamma Wave Source module
