Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

rude: that's what I think too. But some dumbass mod on a support forum for vestax gear said "there is no fuse, get a new psu or motor whatever" And before I open the player it would be nice to know how to do this in the best way and which fuse etc. - so I though maybe someone here has done this before. I'm no tech, but I guess I can change a fuse wink Thanks anyway!

302 (edited by lixa-6 2011-10-13 16:31:33)

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Ello there, i got a little dilema or a big one, I got a sequential six trak recently, In the manual it sais a 1/4 A 230V slow blow fuse is needed for europe, 1/8 A for the US. I opened the fuse holder at the back and a 1/4 A fuse was in it, bit strange i thought as i bought it from the US, but i plugged it in, i was a bit reluctant but i did it, and errr there was a loud hum, led was on for 2 seconds then dead, so i quickly turned it off, checked the fuse, it had blown.
The plug is american 3 pin, if that was indeed the right fuse, would the plug be the problem? And more importantly have i fried my six-trak now, shiiit! i have now bought a step down transformer on ebay but now i also need a fuse, been looking on ebay but i dont know what one i should buy, is confusing i cant find 1/4 amp or 1/8 amp slow blow.

"positive mutation!"


Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread


Hi guys,
I'm trying to replace the battery of my Juno-106.
But seems it's welded to the tweezers that hold it (as you see on the pic)

zoom in > … /10/xx.jpg

Is that normal? shall I just break them, buy an electric welder, and weld the new battery my self?  such a pain...

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

diego: cut it as close to the battery as possible and buy a CR-2032 battery clip.

That way you can solder the connectors of the battery clip to the metal tabs that are sticking out of the board.

Be sure to attach the red wire to the tab that's closest to that white plastic connector on the right. - raw electrofunk


Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

cool i might just buy one of those clips and bring it somewhere to sort it out (i havent got any welder ;(
thanks so much duud smile

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

lixa-6 wrote:

Ello there, i got a little dilema or a big one, I got a sequential six trak recently, In the manual it sais a 1/4 A 230V slow blow fuse is needed for europe, 1/8 A for the US. I opened the fuse holder at the back and a 1/4 A fuse was in it, bit strange i thought as i bought it from the US, but i plugged it in, i was a bit reluctant but i did it, and errr there was a loud hum, led was on for 2 seconds then dead, so i quickly turned it off, checked the fuse, it had blown.
The plug is american 3 pin, if that was indeed the right fuse, would the plug be the problem? And more importantly have i fried my six-trak now, shiiit! i have now bought a step down transformer on ebay but now i also need a fuse, been looking on ebay but i dont know what one i should buy, is confusing i cant find 1/4 amp or 1/8 amp slow blow.

you're not making much sense. are you trying to say that you plugged the sixtrak in the 1st time without a step down transformer?? if you';re in europe, that will blow the pants off your sixtrak, as youre feeding 230v into a 110v psu. otherwise, a wrong fuse itself will not do any damage (within limits), the amperage is only the 'limit' at which it will blow. the only bad thing that can happen is that with a wrong fuse, if something shorts inside it damages other parts of the synth too. the fuse is a safety feature to stop damage happening to other things in case of a short.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

yikes  yikes  yikes


Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

lixa-6 wrote:

Ello there, i got a little dilema or a big one, I got a sequential six trak recently, In the manual it sais a 1/4 A 230V slow blow fuse is needed for europe, 1/8 A for the US. I opened the fuse holder at the back and a 1/4 A fuse was in it, bit strange i thought as i bought it from the US, but i plugged it in, i was a bit reluctant but i did it, and errr there was a loud hum, led was on for 2 seconds then dead, so i quickly turned it off, checked the fuse, it had blown.
The plug is american 3 pin, if that was indeed the right fuse, would the plug be the problem? And more importantly have i fried my six-trak now, shiiit! i have now bought a step down transformer on ebay but now i also need a fuse, been looking on ebay but i dont know what one i should buy, is confusing i cant find 1/4 amp or 1/8 amp slow blow.

find a place that installs security/fire alarms, they will have lots of low amp fuses.
it sounds like you zapped it with 220V, i hope for you that it is just the fuse.

309 (edited by lixa-6 2011-10-25 23:21:07)

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Oh dear, yep i plugged the six trak in for the first time without a step down. I stupidly thought as the fuse in it was a 1/4 which in the manual says is for european use. It says a 1/8 is for U.S use. Maybe not though, is the manual wrong? i dont get it. Can anyone verify what fuse a six trak should take for european or U.S use?
I ordered some fuses now from a pinball shop in america, 1/4 and 1/8. and i have a step down transformer on the way. As to the state of the six trak, holy moly, im scared, so i might of zapped it. Then it could be a whole load of problems inside yep?
Well i could check out a fire alarm place thanks, instead of a long wait of 3 weeks for fuses from america.

"positive mutation!"

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

dude, it doesn't matter what kind of fuse you have in there, if it says 110V you DON'T put it into a 230V socket.. you very likely blew up the power supply inside, and if you're unlucky parts of the synth board itself...

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

You can get a new Sixtrak transformer for 5 bucks and more sixtrak stuff here if you might need one.....if you order you should get the Six trak promo decals too for 1$

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Momentary madness, i knew it might be a bad idea, if only i had waited for that step down transformer. Fuck and this six trak was mint too, maybe not inside anymore. I hope then just the transformer has gone, i really do!
Thats bloody great a new transformer for that little, excellent! just looked at some photos of the inside of a six trak on flickr, plenty space in there and the transformers well isolated from the rest, could be an easy replacement if thats the only problem. Decals too for a dollar oooh yeah!

"positive mutation!"

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

You're a bad robot! Or just human?!

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread


My Jupiter-4 has an intermittent problem.  It only happens in manual mode (when no preset is selected).  The sound dissapears or has weird amplitude modulation or cuts off etc.  The weird thing is that it all dissapears if I switch to a saved patch.

I've taken it to my tech's, but it only did it once, then he couldn't reproduce the problem.

I have the CHD midi kit installed, it's been working for a few years now so I'd be surprised if this was the cause.

thanks in advance for any tips on how to fix this!

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

usually these kind of problems point to the switch itself (or bank of switches, i don't remember offhand how exactly this is organized on the j4) the weird sounds can be caused by the switches not making good contact, and when one is pressed, bingo, it works again..

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Thanks Rude, that makes sense, I'll investigate further, maybe it just needs a little switch cleaning!

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

lixa-6 wrote:

Momentary madness, i knew it might be a bad idea, if only i had waited for that step down transformer. Fuck and this six trak was mint too, maybe not inside anymore. I hope then just the transformer has gone, i really do!
Thats bloody great a new transformer for that little, excellent! just looked at some photos of the inside of a six trak on flickr, plenty space in there and the transformers well isolated from the rest, could be an easy replacement if thats the only problem. Decals too for a dollar oooh yeah!

Just curious, did you ever get that repaired or did you fry the whole synth?

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

I couldnt believe it, it bloody worked! turns out it didnt fry, i got a new fuse and a step down transformer and it worked, i was so relieved, i wont be doing that again. Lesson learned, dont take chances and be impatient.

"positive mutation!"

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

good to hear that!

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

the x0xb0x is getting a little R & R currently, my resonance pot was fucked up so my homie is having a look see! i'm excited for clean twiddling again.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

the filter on my PROMARS seem to be dead - just hear something when i turn the BRILLANCE pot.

can anyone help out with the shematics? can´t find them on the web. it will be quite similar to the JUPITER-4, but i do not know at the moment where to dig to solve this prblem...



Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

Interfunk - … _NOTES.pdf

From here:

(and also here: )

You didn't find it because you didn't look up MRS-2 instead of promars. - raw electrofunk

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

hell yesss - totally ignored it - thanx alot.... will try my luck...seems to be a dead filter here.



Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

i'm finally putting some time towards my 106 as well, prepping for the acetone trick on the voice chips.

Re: ++Gear Down!++ Repair Thread

AudaxPowder wrote:

i'm finally putting some time towards my 106 as well, prepping for the acetone trick on the voice chips.

Good luck, it works but getting the chips out of the board can be a real pain in the ass.