Topic: 505 sequencing problem?

so i'm tryin to use my 505 to sequence a jomox airbase, and there's a weird problem - it seems like only the low conga and kick pads are sending out midi note data. all the other pads have note data set correctly, but the jomox only plays notes from the two pads on the far left.
is there some weird thing w/ the 505? like some setting? or is it just broken? seems like an odd issue to have...

2 (edited by olivier8 2011-07-28 22:31:40)

Re: 505 sequencing problem?

i would try tr 505 midi out to a midi synth and see what happens, if all pads play a different note, which ones etc..
maybe your Jomox drums sounds  are mapped an octave off or something.. should be possible to re-assign them to the correct notes..

But, Tr drum machines only send midi notes in "Track Play" mode i think

Re: 505 sequencing problem?

i can sequence the jomox fine w/ my r100, so the notes should all be set correctly there... and i can change the note that hte kick/conga send out to play diff sounds on the jomox just fine...

will try hooking the 505 up w/ a midi synth, thanks for the tip

4 (edited by SOS 2011-07-28 22:54:56)

Re: 505 sequencing problem?

huh, bizarrely, all the 505 pads are working when hooked up to a midi synth....

edit: and i can also play all of the sounds on the jomox using a midi synth...weird...

Re: 505 sequencing problem?

got it working - didn't realize every voice could be assigned a diff midi channel...duh

6 (edited by olivier8 2011-07-29 09:33:17)

Re: 505 sequencing problem?

I didn't know that either smile

Edit / You mean in the Jomox or the TR??

Re: 505 sequencing problem?

on 505, kind of a cool feature.

Re: 505 sequencing problem?

SOS wrote:

on 505, kind of a cool feature.
