Topic: Synth dreams
Ever dream about synths, only the synths in your dreams are these bizzare half-real/half-unreal concoctions? It happens to me once in a while. Last night I had a vivid dream I was in a thrift store and I found the following items:
A Casio SK-16 - it was a 16-bit toy sampler with full size keys and a grid of those yellow drum pads. It appeared to be from around the same time as the other SK`s. It sounded fucking amazing (this was the only thing I actually heard in my dream last night).
Yamaha RX-15/21 - a drum machine shaped like the RX-21, with a top panel you could replace (that also carried the sounds) to make it an RX-15. In my dream this unit appeared to be unused, which isn`t terribly surprising.
An Oberhiem MTX-Digi - it was from the same era as the Matrix-6, looked a lot like the Matrix-6, but it was entirely digital.
So yeah. I have these weird dreams every once that make me feel like maybe I'm TOO obsessed with synths.