Topic: midi for dummies

I finally bought some midi cables and want to connect my alpha juno 2 with my PC now.
But I have no idea about installing gear correctly.

I couldn't find any tutorial about setting up midi with ableton/reaper or some ju2 patch editor...
I have activated ju2 midi and connected everything correctly, but I don't know how to use it.

And what's the easiest way to record stuff from my ju2?

(I have winxp and a m-audio audiophile 24/96 soundcard)

Re: midi for dummies

a friendly robot helped me out with my midi now.

Is there any problem with connecting the stereo jack output from the ju2 to cinch inputs from my soundcard (using an adapter) ?

Re: midi for dummies

MrWho wrote:

Is there any problem with connecting the stereo jack output from the ju2 to cinch inputs from my soundcard (using an adapter) ?

No you can do that
But most people put a mixer in between so you can add more synths and change the EQ and volume etc.
Well at least that is how people did it, today in the cyber world you can do that also in the computer