Again, i've been planning to write many times but haven't just had the energy and time to do it. Reading your stuff and going on with life has made a lot of stuff go round in my head.
First of all, Henri and Huxflux, don't pay attention to these ones calling you (or us) emo. What comes to being "emo" in the sense of being emotional - i hate the goths too - is what makes us human. I don't know where the fuck comes the assumption that men should keep their emotions inside. It's especially present here in Finland. We all have STRONG feelings unless you're a sociopath, and they can make people go crazy and dysfunctional if you suppress or deny them.
I've been very intrested again about psychology, probably as i'm going through some bad shit right now. I mean i'm mostly fine, but my head is constantly bumping into shitty thoughts and feelings, left by my breakup.
I've been wondering if i maybe have watched too much disney movies as a kid, plus that in my family emotions are not that openly expressed, that maybe i have built my life go around of finally someday finding a person i can say "i love you" to. I mean it kinda feels almost unrealistic that of all the LOT of things i do in my life felt suddenly insignificant during the time with her, and finding true love - and she was defi-fucking-nitely that to me - felt like all that i need in my life had been fulfilled. And now that it's gone, everything feels like some goddamn substitute activities. If i get a moments of time with only my thoughts, its suddenly a massive crave for just love someone.
It can't be normal. Or is it?
So anyways i've been doing a lot of looking into myself.
If it's possible, ill try to learn some basics of psychology and psychotherapy to try to understand myself a little better, and maybe understand my next women better. Maybe i can evade the possibility to fall in love with someone with a bipolar disorder again.
I saw her today btw. I was biking to this meeting about arranging this party in the summer and i was very excited. She walked by on the sidewalk. Don't know if she saw me but i just put my head down because i don't know if nodding or visibly ignoring her were either a good thing to do.
Instant shitty feeling Guess how inspiring the meeting was after that.
Huxflux, the Orbital song makes me feel very good right now. I've been listening that record now again a lot after many years. Even tough the lyrics hurt a bit, but the song has a very hopeful feel to it. Thanks.
http://fossa.bandcamp.comShitting in a lavatory, conducting experiments.
Farticles come near and disappear.