26 (edited by MenschMaschine 2010-05-01 11:05:42)

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

Schedule for the IFM Live streaming festival Saturday May 1st:

Confirmed so far:

Line up:

1200 Retali8 from Cold Crush, Australia
1230 Lotty, NL: DJ Set
1300 Lennard, NL
1330 Azimuth Zero, NL: DJ Set
1400 Obi, NL: Dub Invasion
1430 Soulrider, SP
1500 Zwame, It
1530 Menschmachine, NL: DJ Set
1600 Baz Reznik, NL: DJ Set
1630 Computerdisco, UK
1700 Kai kemke, DE
1800 Mono-Poly, NL: Live Noodle Inferno
1830 Kaspar & Christian, DE: Live set
1900 Meschi, UK
2000 Paul Northcott, UK: Hear Play
2130 Dan, USA: Covert Ops on Foreign Servers
2200 Marco Tulio Thrash, USA.
2230 Doppler, West Coast USA: Electro Burner DJ Set
2300 Neud Photo, NY
2330 Lawrence Sim, CAN

Note that the slots that are currently open have not been tested yet. Some are confirmed tho and will be tested the next hour, one slot has already been offered to someone else due to no reply on the mails sent to the streamer.
Streams must have been tested before saturday since we cannot test stuff during broadcast.

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

18:00 noodle inferno big_smile

i don't need the gear, the gear needs me 

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

ach... would've liked to do something... but... too drunk., as always on weekeends smile..just returned home.....

curious though bout others' stuff

will try to get up and listen laterz..

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

1900 meschi, uk

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

I think it started with some +30 minutes of delay because of some technical issues, so I assume the slots  will shift accordingly.

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

I think everything is on time pretty much

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

great, a whole day of intergalactic transmissions
lawrence sim at 2330 coolex smile

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

It started at 12:00 CIT...no delay

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

MenschMaschine wrote:

2330 Lawrence Sim, CAN

Nice to see him again !!!

Sending this transmission into the depths of space
I must complete my mission - destroy the human race


Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

super nice so far!!
was hoping for some more kinda unexpected stuff though. like people who are usually djing doing sth live or some fun submissions, some more talking maybe or whatever. but lets see what comes tongue
really enjoying this so far! big_smile esp azimuth zeros was a bomb! and am totally looking fwd to come to hear soulrider again.
big thx to the organizers and to all transmitters.

.."this world`s a bubble"..

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

It was great thing to do.....although hangover hammer XL and nervousness were hindering performance a bit.

37 (edited by Zubeldia 2010-05-01 14:59:33)

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

timetable still up to date? doesn't sound like dubwise atm wink

real nice line-up today btw; already stuffed the pipe for mono's noodling at 6, can't wait.. quite enjoying the jungly stuff atm.

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

so its the wunderbare azimuth zero? absolutely thumbs up for this one!!

.."this world`s a bubble"..

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

the 80's tracks slowed down gag is boring after about 10 minutes

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

let the noodling begin!

had enough D&B to get me through the next 5 years  tongue

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

very nice mix meschi, enjoyed that! smile

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

this is nice. great idea

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

I used:

Rob Hordijk Benjolin
Rob Hordijk Blioppoo Box
EMS Synthi AKS
Iphone running various things
Zerotronics Mini-LE reverb

Download> http://repetition.online.fr/sons/MP/Mon … 100501.mp3

i don't need the gear, the gear needs me 

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)


Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

yesterday was really nice, enjoyed what i heard, will soon check what i've missed

listen to your show, really good, thanks

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

Thanks Mule Driver.
And Thanks to everyone involved (preformers, listereners)

i don't need the gear, the gear needs me 

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

Great event ! Looking forward to next one.


Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

It was very nice smile thanks to everybody and especially to IFM for putting this together

Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

that was really fun, guys. thanks for all the nice music. those events should happen oftener...

discogs sales 
"Somebody was trying to tell me that CDs are better than vinyl because they don't have any surface noise. I said, 'Listen, mate, life has surface noise.'" - JOHN PEEL (1939 - 2004)


Re: The First of May (Live Stream Fest)

damn, gutted i missed this.