Topic: Spring Equinox 2010 ~ Live Streaming Concert ~ Sat.March20th
Connect to the stream to listen on radio.electro-music , and join in the electro chat room!
All Times GMT:
1500 Live Midi Chatroom Jam
1530 Live Midi Chatroom Jam
1600 Tange
1630 Cebec
1700 Mystahr
1730 Mystahr
1800 T.A.P.
1830 T.A.P.
1900 Klangumsetzer
1930 Klangumsetzer
2000 Epicyclus
2030 Audiodef
2100 EdisonRex
2130 Antimon
2200 Blue Hell
2230 Modulator ESP
2300 Howard Moscovitz and Bill Fox
2330 Howard Moscovitz and Bill Fox
0000 Emerald Adrift
0030 Mono-poly
0100 Mono-poly
0130 HyaSynth
0200 HyaSynth
0230 Muied Lumens
0300 Shane Morris
0330 State Machine
0400 Pehr Meldert
0430 NeoRev
0500 Kevin Kissinger
0530 D.Minoza
0600 Inventor
0630 Inventor