aww man!
while listening to mixes from the mix page I ventured out to see what people were taliking about and found this thread.
miravalles wrote:One thing's for sure. I can guarantee you that I'll never quit smoking pot. It's a pleasure I sincerely don't want to deprive myself.
boy you sure said it there but I have to quit here and there just to let myself know that I am in control! I would rather smoke weed than drink.
Dez wrote:My New Years resolution this year is to smoke more pot.
ahh ha ha! Mine is to smoke less! Only because I am going back to school!
cebteq wrote:Yeah I think people just grow up
so says my girl (who used to smoke everyday till about age 27)
ytz wrote:it's a gateway drug... to crime
but alcohol is the real gateway drug and its marketed as something fucking glamorous
heifetz wrote:the girls i know that smoke regularly are smart & beautiful but not so successful.
yeah but alot of them are still young, in school, partying and building a career. However, not all of them!
Zubeldia wrote:the girls i know who do not smoke, tend to be all stressed about nonsense like their social status, what to wear, how the hairs are hanging etc. and in my experience; non-smoking women talk too much in general about completely irrelevant subjects. not much of an entertaining company, to say the least. girls i know who do smoke, are generally very nice to hang out with. you can have a proper, meaningfull conversation, on various subjects. whether it be music, philosophy, movies, whatever..
AGREE! AGREE! AGREE! Take my girl for example: about once a year I can get her to smoke and she turns into the girl she used to be when we first met. A cute(shes cute either way)little giggly spontaneous schoolgirl that holds me tight and has to get me to explain everything to her like I am fucking Socrates. Its like we fall in love all over again!
BUT I am glad she doesnt smoke like she used to!
stan snackson wrote:i practicallyhave to hide to get high anymore.
at my house I do! but with kids its the right thing to do!
Mr. Maximal wrote:Also I think pot is seen as a "loser" drug for hippies and not as extremely cool as for instance cocaine in some circles.
well, in my city it seems like CRACK is the only "loser" drug although I think Oxycontin and Crack take the cake for loser drugs. However I am going to have to AGREE with you on that one. Right now (right this second)I can actually get the bomb weed for the same price I can get the bomb coke! Very strange and scary to me indeed!
jacderida wrote:i'm totally jealous of people who can actually do shit when they're stoned, perhaps i wouldn't have given up if that was the case for me...
Ahh ha ha! I try to make a list of shit to do when I wake up before I get high!
[child woke up thats all for now, I am trying to get to a point]