Topic: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

I just read this cool article that was published in the american Marie Claire in september. It's about women who have nice jobs, are successful, smart, beautiful and are potheads. … s?click=pp

Where are these girls?! I wanna meet them all! I wanna marry one.

Do you think that less girls smoke weed once they are adult? One thing that I noticed is that when we were kids, we all smoked, boys and girls. But once we grow older and shit like jobs stand in our way, people tend to drop the habit of smoking pot. And I guess more women quit smoking than men. What do you think?

At least, among my friends, that's what happened. Lots of girls that I know that used to smoke don't smoke anymore.

I was always a heavy ganja smoker and when I was younger most of my girlfriends were ganja smokers like myself. Now, I can hardly find a girl my age who still smokes. And I'm not that old. I'm 31.

One thing's for sure. I can guarantee you that I'll never quit smoking pot. It's a pleasure I sincerely don't want to deprive myself.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

I stopped smoking a while ago...not by choice...sorta just happened.

My New Years resolution this year is to smoke more pot.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

unlike most resolutions that one sounds achievable. stay determined.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

I am one.
One problem i have a penis.

i don't need the gear, the gear needs me

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

everyone i know smokes pot. i know more girls than boys. hope this helps.

cuties don't exert


Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

Yeah I think people just grow up

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

my experiences tell me that its a drug to easy to abuse. and abusing makes you crooked.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

it's a gateway drug... to crime

cuties don't exert

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

and to heroin

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

the girls i know that smoke regularly are smart & beautiful but not so successful.

11 (edited by Zubeldia 2009-12-22 00:16:01)

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

too many people are concerned about a good career and earning the big $$..

too little people concerned about the general level of egotisticness, stupidity and the lack of self-growth amongst todays society.

the girls i know who do not smoke, tend to be all stressed about nonsense like their social status, what to wear, how the hairs are hanging etc. and in my experience; non-smoking women talk too much in general about completely irrelevant subjects. not much of an entertaining company, to say the least. girls i know who do smoke, are generally very nice to hang out with. you can have a proper, meaningfull conversation, on various subjects. whether it be music, philosophy, movies, whatever..

i'm 24 atm, and my guess is that maybe 1 in every 15 women i speak to (unproffesionally), who are the same age as i am or older still smoke grass once in a while. maybe it's a biological-clock related thing.. smoking and nesting is a rare combi i guess.. [add salt here]

i know i will never stop smoking (grass that is, nicotine is a matter of time), it enhances my life in so many ways, i never would give it up.

edit: my two best mates smoke as well, one of 'em finished law school and works for a relatively large insurance company, the other one developes and writes computerprogrammes for huge parkingsystems (or something like that..). the second dude smokes a pure hazejoint in his car on the way to work, at seven in the morning smile quite successfull..

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

this thread warms my heart.  i am glad to hear that others still smoke, male or female, cuz i dont know a soul anymore that
smokes herbs. i practicallyhave to hide to get high anymore.  my freinds must suck


Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

I think smoking is boring, expensive and has a bad influence on my day-to-day energy. Maybe there are a lot of girls who find the same?

Also I think pot is seen as a "loser" drug for hippies and not as extremely cool as for instance cocaine in some circles.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

Mr. Maximal wrote:

Also I think pot is seen as a "loser" drug for hippies and not as extremely cool as for instance cocaine in some circles.

that's only in holland mister.
Everywhere else it's seen as hip and cool.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

I enjoy an occasional smoke myself, most of my male friends too, not so much female.
The real weed is highly illegal here, and these legal "mixes" have been hugely popular with kids here. They are shit imo, seem to really mess up people who do them all the time - and most kids do cause it's legal and sortof cheap, why not buy half a kilo bag, yay. Shit gets illegal status from 1 Jan, red-eyed youths downtown switching back to booze is gonna be fun to see.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

Mr. Maximal wrote:

I think smoking is boring, expensive and has a bad influence on my day-to-day energy. Maybe there are a lot of girls who find the same?

Also I think pot is seen as a "loser" drug for hippies and not as extremely cool as for instance cocaine in some circles.

yeah, that's a proper argument; "cocaine is way cooler"... duh...

I do notice this attitude when attending more mainstream "dutch parties", people boozed and coked up, tend to make for a really good ambiance *cough*... the general aggression and stupidity just drips off these people... popiejopies and ignorant wankers, they tend to be in general.

where are the good old days of dropping acid, smoking a bit, eat a shroom or two and just  having a ball with likeminded people. it seems acceptable nowadays to stuff your nose and destroy your braincells with the thousands, whilst people who want to chill and have a smoke are looked at as "hippie losers" by people who do not know any better.

and talking about "boring" and "expensive", growing your own costs shite and little effort, and you can make life as boring/exciting as you want, has everything to do with your own state of mind... [rant over]

17 (edited by Mr. Maximal 2009-12-22 19:41:23)

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

Hey dudes, not even my opinion. Cocaine sucks and changes people into assholes.

Nowadays I agree squatparties and such are best to have some fun (non-agressive people, proper (acid) music). Don't spot too many "stiletto smokers" there though, that was the point I was trying too make. And score100 is probably right about the only in NL thing.

I've smoked a lot in life and came to the conclusion that pot does not add anything and makes me even more lazy and apathic than usual.

But that could also be the way we smoke it in NL, really strong skunklike buds with lots 'o tobacco.

I do like an occasional drag of expensive hash, but that's for taste and does not seem to have any effect.

[excuse over]

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

all good points, I must say. in particular the thing about the tobacco in nl. i know a lot of dutch smokers who never get properly high, only really stoned. when I pass them a pure pipe they pass, saying they'll "only cough for ten minutes", and rather smoke their 'van nelle jointje'.

to each his own, i guess.. i get active when i've smoked, i'm lazy when sober..

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

Zubeldia wrote:

edit: my two best mates smoke as well, one of 'em finished law school and works for a relatively large insurance company, the other one developes and writes computerprogrammes for huge parkingsystems (or something like that..). the second dude smokes a pure hazejoint in his car on the way to work, at seven in the morning smile quite successfull..

hehe, that's amazing - i'm a programmer and i could never imagine being able to do any work after smoking a joint smile.

i personally went the same way as mr. maximal with regards to smoking - i was a daily smoker for a year but gave it up because it turned me into an unproductive, lazy bastard. i remember saying to myself on my days off at the weekend - "right, i've got something i want to do today with my time off, only 1 joint then i'll get it done later". but as soon as i sparked that thing, the whole damn day was an instant write off smile. i'm totally jealous of people who can actually do shit when they're stoned, perhaps i wouldn't have given up if that was the case for me...

i know it's a bit of a cliche to say, but i also became heavily paranoid towards the end of my smoking days. admittedly though that could well be because of the fact that it was only really shitty hash that was available to me at the time (we called it 'soap bar'), not like the quality stuff you guys can buy in NL.

i'd still have a few hits of J if there's one going round at a party though, but i don't think i'd ever go back to smoking it on my own.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

Zubeldia wrote:

... where are the good old days of dropping acid, smoking a bit, eat a shroom or two and just  having a ball with likeminded people. it seems acceptable nowadays to stuff your nose and destroy your braincells with the thousands, whilst people who want to chill and have a smoke are looked at as "hippie losers" by people who do not know any better.

I agree with you, but i think "droppin' acid", "smoking a bit" & "eatin' a shroom or two" will probably kill a thousand or more braincells as well ;-)

Heil CBS

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

typical stoners, the thread goes from being about female smokers, to being about nothing in particular.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

black shape wrote:

typical stoners, the thread goes from being about female smokers, to being about nothing in particular.


Non linear elements avoid the void of your voice

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

Untrue, we are doing an in depth exploration of why girls don't smoke, based on our own experiences.

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

I tottaly agree about dumb tabaco/weed smokers.
It totaly ruins your high.
Pure is the way!

i don't need the gear, the gear needs me

Re: Stiletto Stoners. Female potheads.

On topic, I dont really know that much girls who smoke. But, as stated before, most of my friends (boy girl) dont smoke as much as like 10 years ago, when everybody was smokin 25 guldens Skunk a day.  Personally, i smoke max 2 joints a week. Somewhere I dislike it to become totally .... passive. Is it a phase? To smoke your brains dead, then realize that it was pretty useless? I dont know. Like score100 mentioned , maybe its only in Holland. Another proof the koffieshops work!

Non linear elements avoid the void of your voice