Topic: An Open Letter To 'Anti-Digital Deejays'
Dear 'Anti-Digital Deejays'
Digital deejays do not lessen what wax deejays do/have done for the art; They build off of it. Make it more accessible, easier to understand, more simply executed, etc. I'm just not sure how making something less difficult makes something less valuable in the long run?? I would ask you, (on the other side of the argument) what is turntablism's future otherwise without new platforms or formats? Do we really think technology shouldn't help us along and make our lives and our passions less difficult? I mean really. Deejaying is, afterall, is just 'playing music for other people' at its core. Its same same outcome either way; A bunch of songs you want others to hear, mixed together. The thing is some people put on a show but most dont. That is represented on both sides of the issue. My personal vision with deejaying is simply 'exposing people to new music because i think they will like it'.. I let my girlfriend be the 'deejay' in my car and she does great. She plays a good selection and always knows the parts to turn it up and what tracks to skip. The point is i think we (the deejays) are all taking ourselves a little too seriously here when we make this argument... Most of us are a small part of something much bigger.. Unless we are talking DMC stuff, i think most of us are on the same level here. So many of us are quite basic with our sets and just want to share our love for the music we enjoy with others! There is nothing wrong with that, right?! Some of my favorite mixes by other deejays were made in Ableton/Soundforge with ZERO controllers/turntables. But i think that each platform has its place in the future of deejaying. There will be innovations that come from both sides in the future.... I just feel like people who are pro-wax are too territorial and act as if the formats can't co-exist. They can. Natural selection within deejaying on either format will prevail.
Anyone who is even 'half way old' (like me) will have seen deejaying 'grow up' before our eyes. What a neat time to live in to see something we love progress as it has; And at such an amazing rate!! But in the grand scheme of things, this era for deejaying is just a small moment in time for what we will see it evolve into. I want to see deejaying move forward with wax and digital holding hands. If innovation continues at the rate its going, we may see another platform change in our life time. But imagine the change that comes 40-50 years into future when its lazers controlling decks, floating touchscreens, motion censors, drum machine suits and all sorts of other crazy futuristic shit!! Because im serious.... If this is as far as deejaying will ever advance, im disappointed and i quit.
Even when im retired I'll support anything that moves the art in new directions. Because i care about the art form and its development and not just my way of doing it. Now at the same time I might be a little pissed because im old and cant keep up with how insane it has become. (Although, by that time, I'm sure both wax-purists and digital deejays can complain together about how easy it is to use 'mind reading' que points)... I will, however, take interest in watching where it goes and take pride in the fact that i was there for a good chunk of the ride. Because really... There are generations ahead of us that are going to do shit we would have never thought was possible...
Lets stop proclaiming that wax is the Omega when its really the Alpha. Last time i checked, the innovators always make it in the history books so stop acting like we are taking deejaying away from you. We can share. I Promise.
Yours Truly, Johan