Re: Should I buy...
What is a fair price for an OSCar??? An old friend has contacted me cos he is in need of money and wants to sell his...
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Robots for Robots → General Hardware / Software Discussion → Should I buy...
What is a fair price for an OSCar??? An old friend has contacted me cos he is in need of money and wants to sell his...
What is a fair price for an OSCar??? An old friend has contacted me cos he is in need of money and wants to sell his...
Couple of Thousand UK Pounds.... and remember they are notoriously unreliable and could spend quite a bit of time in the repair shop.. Is it a Final Rev with Midi? Also Check for Leaky battery issues..
Few questions here please robots.... I quite fancy getting a dw-8000 and was wondering what's a reasonable price for one these days in your opinions? I know its gone up lately. Related questions i have are whether the modulation stick so good its worth holding out for one over the ex-8000? And finally, i know the microkorg has some of the dw-8000 waveforms, but not the filter(?). And if anyone might be able to make some kind of comparison between the two that'd also be appreciated, because they seem around the same in price second hand. Thanks.
I have a DW8000 and I really like it. It's rather warm analog sounding but it can easily be quirky; here in the studio it fits perfectly in between for instance the digital Yamaha DX's and the analog Roland Juno's. It's big sounding, a real work horse as it's great for strings, pads and bass.
The joystick is fun but you don't really need it unless you really adore to play everything by hand. Better reason to get a DW is that the EX doesn't have an arpeggiator.
Prices are a bit hard to say as you don't see either of them very often but it's probably somewhere around 250 euro, although they can go for as little as 175 sometimes. If I had to buy one again, I wouldn't mind paying 250 for either the rack or the keyboard version.
Both the EX and DW can be expanded with the Musitronics upgrade:
I honestly don't know why I haven't upgraded mine yet, for only 80 euro you get a whole lot of more synth to enjoy...
The MicroKorg is cool too, but unfortunately I don't know it well enough to compare it to the DW8000. DW8000 does have an analog filter so it's only logical that I think it sounds... well... more analog I don't think you should compare them just because of the waveforms. As for as I can tell both have great features and architecture that result in both having a character of their own.
Sham wrote:Few questions here please robots.... I quite fancy getting a dw-8000 and was wondering what's a reasonable price for one these days in your opinions? I know its gone up lately. Related questions i have are whether the modulation stick so good its worth holding out for one over the ex-8000? And finally, i know the microkorg has some of the dw-8000 waveforms, but not the filter(?). And if anyone might be able to make some kind of comparison between the two that'd also be appreciated, because they seem around the same in price second hand. Thanks.
I have a DW8000 and I really like it. It's rather warm analog sounding but it can easily be quirky; here in the studio it fits perfectly in between for instance the digital Yamaha DX's and the analog Roland Juno's. It's big sounding, a real work horse as it's great for strings, pads and bass.
The joystick is fun but you don't really need it unless you really adore to play everything by hand. Better reason to get a DW is that the EX doesn't have an arpeggiator.
Prices are a bit hard to say as you don't see either of them very often but it's probably somewhere around 250 euro, although they can go for as little as 175 sometimes. If I had to buy one again, I wouldn't mind paying 250 for either the rack or the keyboard version.
Both the EX and DW can be expanded with the Musitronics upgrade:
I honestly don't know why I haven't upgraded mine yet, for only 80 euro you get a whole lot of more synth to enjoy...The MicroKorg is cool too, but unfortunately I don't know it well enough to compare it to the DW8000. DW8000 does have an analog filter so it's only logical that I think it sounds... well... more analog I don't think you should compare them just because of the waveforms. As for as I can tell both have great features and architecture that result in both having a character of their own.
Thanks alot for that advice Brian, i also saw that video with a track you used the dw on the bass part, it's great.
I had a DW for a short while. It's not that I didn't like it, just that it had to compete with synth that are more immediate and fun to use.
Of all the post-knobs synths, I think it sounds the best. I preffered it to the Alpha Junos and JX series.
The arpeggiator is excellent, just the built-in digital delay and you can make great patterns!
An original Midiverb for $25? Something tells me it might be useful in a trashy way. Anyone ever use one?
Cool. I think I will then. I mean for $25 I probably shouldn't even be asking.
Akai 1721 L reel recorder? Any good?
Should I swap my MKS-80 with programmer for an OSCar??? One guy want's to buy the MKS for 1.330 € and thats the price for the OSCar as well??
That's a ridiculously nice price for an OSCar if its in perfect shape. If you can swing it, I would just buy it outright. Down the line you could sell it and buy two MKS-80s and programmers if you want , or just keep it if you like it.
I find the OSCar is more hype than substance as far as synths go. It's got a different sound to it but it's not worth outrageous dollars to me.
They can also be very flakey and a PITA to service if you need it one day.
I'd keep the MKS80. The Oscar is supposed to sound nice but I've also heard of them breaking a lot.
A Cactus Desert Drums unit with bass, synth, snare and two tom modules. I don't have the faintest idea what it sounds like, but it sure looks desirable. Anyone have this?
Also not sure if I have anything which will trigger this properly, maybe the separate outs of my Drumtraks?
Seller is asking for €100
Some sounds are eeprom samples, so you can burn your own, or.insert old eeprom operating systems. I think this was the snare. The toms are analogue though.
Im tryin' to decide in between an Korg electribe esx1 sd or Korg Microstation...the idea is that i want to use (load) my own samples...and use them in i guess the electribe is the one to...the Microstation as far as i know can't load samples in it...that sd card is only for saving the patterns and inside if i want to use a 707 drumkit on it..i can't right?...and i dont know what banks it has inside..what drumkits?..does it have the vintage drumkits?...but same time i like the synth part ...editing...the patern sequencer...
So id like to hear some not doing live just for producing purpose.
Biggest problem with the OSCar are bad connectors and ic sockets.
But the sound is really awesome.
most drumsynths can be triggered by an audio-signal or a 5v trigger-pulse. 100 euro sounds like a fair price worth checking it out, I would try it if I were you..
A Cactus Desert Drums unit with bass, synth, snare and two tom modules. I don't have the faintest idea what it sounds like, but it sure looks desirable. Anyone have this?
Also not sure if I have anything which will trigger this properly, maybe the separate outs of my Drumtraks?
Seller is asking for €100
Im tryin' to decide in between an Korg electribe esx1 sd or Korg Microstation...Thanks!
i've only played with the microstation briefly and i think like you say, its more of a rompler idea.
the esx1 is really good and you can find them quite cheap, even the sd version. its great to sketch things out and before you know it you've got a wee track going. you can't play chords with the sequencer though, so depending your style/working method you might be limited. you can do a reasonable amount of editing on the samples with filter/lfo/amp/fx.
Alpha Juno II with pg 300 for 268€ ??
by god yes! I think you can sell the programmer for that alone, if you dont like it
Yes mono!
Yeah i'm after one, that's why i'm selling some of my outboard stuff.
Nam phazer and resonator for 240 €. ?
Seems like a fair deal the resonator is pretty awesome and i heard real good stuff about the phaser.
Robots for Robots → General Hardware / Software Discussion → Should I buy...
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