With the ears it`s like with the CBS.
Only realising the importance of it when it`s gone.
The last time i was in the club i was standing for about 2 hours with my left ear next to the box, and had many fun.
But the day after i felt on my left ear some strange pressure, and while listening to music i had the feeling that it sounds different like the input to my right ear.
Had that problem for 5 days, and i seriously thought that the perfect function of my left ear is gone forever.
You can imagine how horror this was to me.
On the 6th day after the party i decided to visit an doctor to getting the bad facts officially.
So i went ti the doc and he only cleaned both ears and e-voila, the next day bot ears were working well
Seems that i had luck, and for sure the next party i will visit only with some of these acessoirs:
What i wanted to say with this story ?
depress the repress