Re: General things and gear thread

Haha, a freakin' kettlebell.. Now that's a toy with sisu in it


Re: General things and gear thread

rude66 wrote:

so what is the attraction of a fixed gear bike? apart from the novelty value? big_smile

its like vinyl.

1)  alot more expensive to buy an old piece of shit that hardly anyone else wants

2)  generates forums full of trainspotters

3)  as purists we all believe ourselves to be cooler than everyone else

4)  celebrate and rejoice in our obscure knowledge of long forgotten labels/bikes

5)  women think we are boring and obsessive

keep hackney crap

Re: General things and gear thread

Amen Byron..

+++ Dont be scared honey, thats just the resonance knob +++

Re: General things and gear thread

i thought women fall over in droves in front of men with fixes...

looks like i have to get another ipod if i still want to listen to music bought from itunes and to keep my itunes playlists. so i am in a tech prison. steve jobs is a wanker-dictator and i hope he chokes on his hipster dollars.

Re: General things and gear thread

so i got a ipod touch. lol i am such a ho.

i was expecting this to be really amazing but at the end of the day all that is special about it is the slick UI. the apps you can get are all either really stupid ifart programs or ones that you can also get for any nokia smartphone device. pfffft.

but who cares, all the hipster girls love me now.

Re: General things and gear thread

heifetz wrote:

so i got a ipod touch. lol i am such a ho.

i was expecting this to be really amazing but at the end of the day all that is special about it is the slick UI. the apps you can get are all either really stupid ifart programs or ones that you can also get for any nokia smartphone device. pfffft.

but who cares, all the hipster girls love me now.

do you get the 3G internet access with the touch?

that's still the best thing about the iPhone for me, which i just got recently.

i'm typing this post on the bus to work big_smile.

but the interface is cool as fuck for everything else too...

Re: General things and gear thread

oh and yeah btw, apple DRM fucking sucks!

Re: General things and gear thread

there's no 3G, it has WiFi though. if i need 3G i use my mobile (which is 3.5G btw, much faster than 3G).

Re: General things and gear thread

if you have wifi on the iTouch you can also put skype on there and use it as a phone

keep hackney crap

Re: General things and gear thread

yes, but you need to attach a microphone..

i use an app called ipeng which acts as a remote control for logitech squeezebox. saved me many

Re: General things and gear thread

Apple have ditched DRM in the uk.. And for a small fee you can upgrade your DRM tracks to non DRM

+++ Dont be scared honey, thats just the resonance knob +++

Re: General things and gear thread

hmm whatever, another plot by mr. jobs to make more money to buy latte's and organic salads

Re: General things and gear thread

computerdisco wrote:

Apple have ditched DRM in the uk.. And for a small fee you can upgrade your DRM tracks to non DRM

it's not ditched in all its forms.

when i went to install an iphone app on my phone at work, i entered my itunes account password and was told that i was using 4 out of my 5 available computers for my account.

that shit fucking sucks...

Re: General things and gear thread

bloom, the brian eno ambient app is great

Re: General things and gear thread

A iphone app-related anekdote/question: a couple of weeks ago I was playing in a local bar and a guy steps up to me with his iphone showing the track I was playing, asking me whether this was indeed the track that was playing atm. I said "yes" and considered his question sort of weird.
Some days later I learned that he was using an app for recognizing tracks. I was quite impressed by this, given that the room was very crowded, the soundsystem average and the track not that well-known (but recent, so maybe for sale via itunes or something). Do any such apps also exist for other phones or devices?

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.

Re: General things and gear thread - i think that is this app, and you obviously can get it for other platforms.

i'm curious about how they work actually. do they create a wavform of the stuff they're recording then compare that to other wavforms? they're probably collecting a shit load of data about previous successful IDs to help really reduce the cost of doing the comparisons. it's pretty clever...

Re: General things and gear thread

Vinyl record turned into a bowl, perfect to serve snacks from?

Order it here:

You can select which genre you prefer (rock/jazz/country/70s-80s pop/divas/crooners) or even specify an artist from the list of available ones smile
Not enough disco in my opinion, though...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
All of my base,
Are belong to you.

Re: General things and gear thread
Just got these babies in the mail. The big one is like a fucking samurai sword.

I need love

Re: General things and gear thread

Quality kitchen knifes are worth every dime. I bought a good one for EUR 40,- and I'm never going back to cheap crap.

Re: General things and gear thread
got it actually 3 months already, but now got fucked by a virus. So - reformatted and installed ubuntu netbook, now it fucking rocks!!!
eee pc's are amazing, worth the low buck.

Re: General things and gear thread

thanks they are pretty cool indeed

Non linear elements avoid the void of your voice

Re: General things and gear thread

posting this message from my new laptop:
2.53GHz Intel Core2 Duo with 4GB of RAM and a 500GB hard drive...

HELL YEAH big_smile

i'm gonna kick the shit out of my dinosaur desktop machine.

Re: General things and gear thread

llcoolkm wrote:
Just got these babies in the mail. The big one is like a fucking samurai sword.

where did you get them, and how much were they?

Re: General things and gear thread

One thing is for sure, they are fucking sharp (missing a patch of arm hair.. literally razor sharp)


50 (edited by cebteq 2010-03-27 20:57:47)

Re: General things and gear thread
