Topic: Stream Launcher for Linux

I wrote a little script to select a stream and then start playing it with vlc with a little dialog-box in linux. I really think its usefull, maybe someone else is interested. The script needs bash and Xdialog:

      Xdialog               \                                                                               
          --no-tags         \                                                                               
          --buttons-style icon      \                                                                       
          --title 'Select Stream'      \                                                                    
          --menu            \                                                                               
  '' 17 33 15         \                                                                                     
  '' 'U B E R M E N S C H '  \                                    
  '' 'roRbot FM'    \                                                  
  '' 'Pitchounet Radio'  \                                     
  '' 'Radio 1972 '    \                                                 
  '' ' radio' \                                                 
  '' 'Kybernetisk Kringkasting' \                              
  '' 'PKPN' \                                                                    
  ''  'Radio Free Robotron' \                  
  '' 'MSat Robot Radio' 2> /tmp/station                                 
case $retval in                                                                                             
        station=`cat /tmp/station`                                                                          
        vlc $station      ;;                                                                                
    : ;;                                                                                                    

Re: Stream Launcher for Linux

thanks for the effort

Re: Stream Launcher for Linux

Hey Knusper,
nice to see some bash scripting over here! big_smile