Re: is love worth it?

"ohhhh but don't mention luuuve/I'd hate the pain and the strain all over again..." hmm

27 (edited by Poodle 2008-08-06 16:13:53)

Re: is love worth it?

those who know the old story. i "finally" heard from aussie girl again after i just stoped contacting her after she was behaving randomly... i answered her really stupidly tho. like "lets get married or the hell with it". this have been going on years now and i can't take it anymore. i need it to stop get on with my love life or something. bahh....

Re: is love worth it?

JamesTRubotnik wrote:
Henri Puolitaival wrote:

Do not let yourself to be programmed!

problem is a lot of guys are "programmed" by their genitals...

In many cases yes. Although I try to make my head to do the thinking.

I think my biggest problems are paranoia, fears and fragility all connected to my so called love life.

I hope I would have the guts to end something which causes you more pain than happiness but I just crawl back into my shell.

You were just a damn sequencer
Moving to the beat
Living with a synthesizer
Cold as a repeat

Re: is love worth it?


Re: is love worth it?

Im In Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :d

A Musica....A Musica Na Capoeira Eu Axe....A musica Na Capoeira Eu Todo

Re: is love worth it?



Re: is love worth it?

Are Austrian boys ladykillers? If so, should I be concerned? hmm

Music is a beautiful opiate, if you don't take it too seriously.

Re: is love worth it?

Love isnt worth it until people grow up, around 65 or something

Re: is love worth it?

id like someone to defrost my circuitboards

Deathcrush '99

Re: is love worth it?

I second that, Cray. Love should be illegal for anyone under 50. Dammit I'm tired of games.

36 (edited by Scarface 2008-09-23 20:42:17)

Re: is love worth it?

Love has it advantages and Johan Cruijff said "Elke nadeel heb z'n voordeel." (transl. "Every disadvantage has its advantage"). Live with it (or without), but it has to be dealt with. It's better for your health. You have your whole life to practice. Isn't life sweet? wink

"Are you loving?"

Re: is love worth it?

yeah, but someone better give me a helmet.

38 (edited by Scarface 2008-09-23 22:36:26)

Re: is love worth it?

Maybe this will fit. smile "Love Is A Battlefield" by the great philosopher Pat Banatar, I recall.

"Are you loving?"

39 (edited by Technicolor 2008-09-23 22:44:10)

Re: is love worth it?

Yes, perfect, now just dub me "Sir Hurts-a-lot", and I'll go fight the evil witch tongue

40 (edited by Poodle 2008-09-29 19:24:13)

Re: is love worth it?

i'm back. i finally stoped thinking about girls on the other side of the planet when there are tons of uber hot chicks here in gotham that are on me like flies go to shit.

one of the girls is extra cool and we've had a great time the last few day...

Re: is love worth it?


Re: is love worth it?

Scarface wrote:

Love has it advantages and Johan Cruijff said "Elke nadeel heb z'n voordeel." (transl. "Every disadvantage has its advantage"). Live with it (or without), but it has to be dealt with. It's better for your health. You have your whole life to practice. Isn't life sweet? wink

I second that!

43 (edited by Poodle 2008-10-01 02:39:53)

Re: is love worth it?

Dancin' by yourself is bad for your health
So grab a cutie by the hand and tell her that you wanna dance

44 (edited by Sander 2008-10-01 09:49:24)

Re: is love worth it?

Poodle wrote:

i'm back. i finally stoped thinking about girls on the other side of the planet when there are tons of uber hot chicks here in gotham that are on me like flies go to shit.

one of the girls is extra cool and we've had a great time the last few day...

Now that is a good choice. I already find half an hour drive to a girlfriend far : )

Re: is love worth it?

I wouldn't even remember the word love if it wouldn't for all those italo songs that I listen which mention it.

love is like disco: it sucks

Re: is love worth it?

if love = anal, then yes it's worth it

47 (edited by Poodle 2008-10-05 18:25:01)

Re: is love worth it?

last night she sent me a text while i sat next to her on the tram: "Jag

48 (edited by zora 2008-10-05 18:39:17)

Re: is love worth it?

oh, thats cute.

.."this world`s a bubble"..

Re: is love worth it?

Poodle wrote:

Dancin' by yourself is bad for your health
So grab a cutie by the hand and tell her that you wanna dance

2 in a room?

"Are you loving?"

50 (edited by Sander 2008-10-05 23:07:30)

Re: is love worth it?

Poodle wrote:

last night she sent me a text while i sat next to her on the tram: "Jag

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