Re: Message From Future
man all those nights (and days) of recording from the CBS stream directly to my CD burner have now payed off!
I feel alot better now!
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Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → Message From Future
man all those nights (and days) of recording from the CBS stream directly to my CD burner have now payed off!
I feel alot better now!
Yeah um like rapidshare plz?
holy frijoles
seems like the new thing will be greedy for donations
holy frijoles
seems like the new thing will be greedy for donations
Hell I didn't even need a mix stash, I got plenty of internets of my own...I only donated for like...the cause. I don't think its unreasonable, I doubt it's gonna be 99 euroids a month or something
thgings are moving really fast...
no internet in my new location, for the moment...
holy frijoles
seems like the new thing will be greedy for donations
Yeah, i mean is it 2008 or what? Everything is free to run on the interweb now!
Who the fuck is greedy here?
Paying for downloading mp3 files sucks, somebody gotta say that.
I will be glad to donate to a worthy cause, as I'm sure this will be. Details are still not 100% clear but the info already made available is exciting enough to warrant a potentially happily donating robot over here.
For me, it's not even really about having a mix and track dump since free file hosting/hookup sites are plentiful, it's about good music, and "the network" (of robots).
I will donate a kidney
no you won't.......
+ 2 of mine
'The New Thing
Paying for downloading mp3 files sucks, somebody gotta say that.
But downloads are still free? Paying is for uploads or not?
i think the implication is that there will be exclusive downloads for donators, but the majority or downloads will remain free. i was in two minds about whether i needed to pay for uploads myself, since i have my own webspace (far more than i actually need) - but i still want to keep contributing to the community.
Can anyone please confirm if the current content in robotdj will still be all there for free download after 1/agust or not please?
Yes I think you're right jonny, perhaps is just the cbs shows content that won't be available for random users...
But who knows, with all that changes that are happening those days I'm not sure if CBS team will decide to leave opened the rest of the contents.
Anyway, force people to pay for just mp3 files is not for me : /
Everytime that someone related to the CBS comes to play to Barcelona I go to the show and pay religiously my 12/15
But the ratio cotent has ALREADY been removed, those that donate will be able to get it again
My question is about the current content, I already asked and it WON'T be removed, the question now if it's free to download
What's going on with the current paypal subscribtions? Will they be automatically re-registered or will we have to re-register to have access?
Funny how a lot of people are already worried what it is they're gonna get for free in the future.
I'm glad i terminated the CBS but regret it for the few who really, I mean really appreciated it and felt it was also important to put effort in it and/or donate a few lousy euri per month.
I think I have to throw up.
Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → Message From Future
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