1 (edited by Madame Strobonoid 2009-06-19 07:53:08)

Topic: r.i.p Ian B. Loveday :(

One of my youth-heroes Ian B. Loveday aka Eon died yesterday (June, 17th of 2009) caused by heavy pneumonia complications .



May the Spice will still flow, wheresoever he is now ....


Re: r.i.p Ian B. Loveday :(

sad news. Wasnt he also Minimal Man - Treatment Feel, oneof my all time faves

Europa has burned, and will burn again

Re: r.i.p Ian B. Loveday :(

EliasRafael wrote:

sad news. Wasnt he also Minimal Man - Treatment Feel, oneof my all time faves

Yes .... sad

Re: r.i.p Ian B. Loveday :(

rip and time to clean my minimal man records

Vlam Aan

Re: r.i.p Ian B. Loveday :(

Minimal Man fan here too sad

6 (edited by Towerdog 2009-06-20 15:56:38)

Re: r.i.p Ian B. Loveday :(

Sad news indeed. Just gave Ignition's Love is war another spin in memory of the man. Also lot's of appreciation for his work throughout the house rave experience early nineties.

"Feel the bass come down"

Re: r.i.p Ian B. Loveday :(

Another Minimal Man has gone... R.I.P.

lärm macht spass!