Topic: Why the CBS really crashed n burnt?
It could well be that the reasons are glaringly obvious and just slipped under my radar but im confuzzled by the realforces behind ditching the ceeb...
The CBS was by nature never going to be a goliath of world radio..some thing that all in the community and behind the scenes know and activeley cherish- space is not the place for the massses and the hard work behind keeping the rest of us in orbit would always be a labour of love..
evan if expansion was a real goal and perhaps even running the site as a business proper as speculator pointd out by his comment ' tke it out of the underground- hire a PR compnay"- there was no movement to attract a wider audience like simply listing the station on itunes internet radio
it seems to me that what with the guardian mention the visibility was set too contineu...which leads me to say.. i think there is an conflict of ideolgy at work and the destructa button was pressed to freeze the CBS in its glory, stop the dry rot of a creeping notoriety in 'trend' terms and by definition the wider audience so missed?
does this strike a chord with you or am i way off and naive .....lets iron this shit out.....