Topic: Research Chemicals

Just wondered if any robots on the forum have any experiences or information about the research chemicals mephedrone and methylone.

These chemicals are still legal at the moment in the UK and a few other places. They are becoming very popular in my city.

They are sold as "bubbles" and other street names.

I have done some research on the net and found out a fair bit, but interested to find out people on the forums thoughts.


2 (edited by messgott 2010-03-19 19:54:12)

Re: Research Chemicals


Ey Freund Blase, es gibt süßen Brei!

Re: Research Chemicals

Nice. This is something R4R doesn't have, at bottom of page at[ View as PDF (for printing) ] [ View as LaTeX (for geeks) ] [ Switch Colors ]

<Pete> His life was programmed from the very start.
<MacGyver> He never had a chance.

Re: Research Chemicals

drugs are bad for you

5 (edited by Kenzaburo 2009-03-24 09:01:20)

Re: Research Chemicals

they can be fun, alcohol is bad too maybe even worse in some cases. There was a recent study about X that concluded that alcohol has much worse effects on body … 555582.ece

We are just in many cases brainwashed that yeah drugs are bad for you because we have been educated so and don't really know anything what we are talking about. Anyway, everything in excess is bad.

What is unacceptable though is that drug money is used to fund terrorists and criminal groups and lot of people die because of drug wars etc... So maybe that is a reason to not to use drugs (because then you yourself fund those things when buying coke or whatever) instead of that it's 'bad for you'

6 (edited by heifetz 2009-03-24 11:49:02)

Re: Research Chemicals

i was trying to be ironic / sarcastic... after that alanis morrisette song i can't tell which is which anymore.

Re: Research Chemicals

None of these new to market substances are at all psychedelic or even empathogenic, which makes them boring to me. I don't like methylone, I found it more like cocaine than mdma--very dopaminergenic and jittery and anecdotal evidence points to quick tolerance and possible addiction potential. Most importantly: it did not make music sound any better.

I haven't tried mephedrone and probably will not, piperazines are shit mostly as well--these chems will appeal to people who like feeling stimulated. I would probably recommend 4-FA if you're looking for stimulation and party potential and methylone is the next best in a disappointing lot. But keep in mind that I dislike stimulation without psychedelia, so your mileage may vary.

Re: Research Chemicals

It's still bad for you.

Spend your money on records instead - just as addictive and give you the same perfect high smile
No bad effects on your body or mind (as long as the records are good, that is), no hangovers.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
All of my base,
Are belong to you.

Re: Research Chemicals

yish, piperazines is well dirty