Re: worst concert/live perfomance and dj set
any artist that uses vsts if you can actually find one worth checking out
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Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → worst concert/live perfomance and dj set
any artist that uses vsts if you can actually find one worth checking out
my philosophy is that if you're not there for the music you can fuck off anyway.
@woody: those are tools of the trade that can make the finished result better. so in the end, i have no problem about being a fan of that stuff, because if you look at the difference it can make in a produuction, it really is better stuff. i believe the problem with a lot of people claiming all this emulated shit sounds as good as the original, is that they have never worked with or even heard the actual original.
and all this goes also back to the original thread: if i see someone on stage, i can appreciate someone who is a master of their instrument. whether its a guitar or a turntable, doesn't matter. but if i see someone on a laptop, i have no idea what they are doing.. if they use some automix shit or not, or all those things that help you mix better.. i test this stuff for a living, and there is a lot of machinery out there where you really don't have to know anything about mixing to do a well-mixed set.. especially in genres like trance or minimal..
i believe the problem with a lot of people claiming all this emulated shit sounds as good as the original, is that they have never worked with or even heard the actual original.
thats a bit silly rude all the people here listen to eighteis analog stuff mostly you don't need to twist the knobs yourself to hear the difference.
it's all means (analog/digital/vst/tapping on the table) to an end, good sound doesn't make a good song, what it can do is make a good or bad song sound better.
i'm not talking about the finished product in a mix, but the machines itself.. i've seen many, many claims that virtual vintage synths sound as good as their originals, yet if you really compare the two, there is a night-and-day difference. but how many people have really had cs80's, modular moogs or big arps under their fingers?
forget my meaning - I am out...
worst set i ever experiencedmy memory can remember so far is ricardo villalobos here in paris@rex-club.
never thought before music could bo so boring, heads up vilain-boloss !
Off topic:
My next door neighbor produces club music for the masses. He even had a top 40 hitje. (< a Colonel Abrahams - Trapped, sucki sucki new coat remix, real rape. Was "superhit" on radio 538 or so)
He swears to soft synths. He showed me some of his methods one evening. I must say I'm impressed about the digital possibilities. You can do everything, if programmed "right". < he just bought a house making his crappy club, now he's making an official remix of Robin S - you gotta show me ... (total crap) he told me that he's making a track / remix for Coolio.....
Only thing "I" miss (personal), is the "dirty" character an older synth has. It's there. I've compared the polysix soft with the polysix. The original has the dirty dusty character "the presence", wich the soft doesn't have.
On the other hand... Alden T showed me a Solina string Ensemble soft. It sounded the same, I couldn't here the difference. Maybe cleaner... details.
i believe the problem with a lot of people claiming all this emulated shit sounds as good as the original, is that they have never worked with or even heard the actual original.
Word. Take it from me...VSTi emulations can NEVER compare to the original source. I used to own analogue synths before, I know!
if i see someone on stage, i can appreciate someone who is a master of their instrument. whether its a guitar or a turntable, doesn't matter. but if i see someone on a laptop, i have no idea what they are doing.. if they use some automix shit or not, or all those things that help you mix better.. i test this stuff for a living, and there is a lot of machinery out there where you really don't have to know anything about mixing to do a well-mixed set.. especially in genres like trance or minimal..
I see your point. Visually I'm more reassuring when I strap on my bass guitar than when I'm on my laptop mixing. However as Kafka can tell you, my laptop definitely is not on 'automix'...I barely use any features on Traktor bar looping and filtering!
@woody: you probably don't, but to a lot of people those things are hard to resist, especially when you just start out..
@GM: its nice for him that he can buy a house making crappy music, but thats not what its about for me, i don't do it for money or fame. sure, if you work like that (i also know some people doing that kind of ''music'') then softs are perfect because you can also remember all the settings, it doesn't need to warm up, etc.
the fact that you can do anything when programming it right, is true to a certain extent, but it's not always quantity that counts, but also quality.
a good example of that same kind of difference is the guitar. i'm using my guitar with amplitube software at home. now to me, i sound like the guys from metallica if i compare it to the music from them. but i'm sure to a real guitar player, i sound like digital crap and once i have played on his marshall towers with 800 distortion [pedals, i'm sure i'll agree with him..
worst set i ever experiencedmy memory can remember so far is ricardo villalobos here in paris@rex-club.
never thought before music could bo so boring, heads up vilain-boloss !
I was at Dance Valley once and there that guy did about 15 mins of exactly the same pling plong whatever crap. Not even a groove just....i don't know, it sounds like a broken machine stamping mail or something. Low volume no funk just a repetetive prik prak noise? I'm sure my parents wouldn't even have recognized it as music. On a stage for 20.000 people or something? Why? How? What is wrong with people nowadays? CBS has to stop because of no people listening and Villabosbos is making million$ boring people? WTF!
Why? How? What is wrong with people nowadays? CBS has to stop because of no people listening and Villabosbos is making million$ boring people? WTF!
Heavy drug
you probably don't, but to a lot of people those things are hard to resist, especially when you just start out...
Never have, never will. I'm too proud/Mediterranean to beg, steal or fake it!
[youtube] … re=related[/youtube]
bambaataa at Exit
especially in genres like trance or minimal..
what does the genre have to do with it?
because that music is already easy as shit to mix and they are usually the first ones ''kids'' like or find out about.. not many 16 year olds will start mixing italo or boogie disco these days..
yes bias we are all restricted by the stupid rules we make for ourselves
being open minded about something doesn't mean you automatically have to follow it, or even like it , or can't be critical about it.
because that music is already easy as shit to mix and they are usually the first ones ''kids'' like or find out about.. not many 16 year olds will start mixing italo or boogie disco these days..
Ain't that the truth? It goes even further, there is a whole 'epidemic' now w/ (I don't even know what to call it because I don't think it deserves the word 'House' in the title, but my friend calls it "Jackin' House", but it's not the type of "Jack" that many of us know here on RFR, [he was my friend before we got into music-making ] You can hear smaples of the type here.) Ableton and loop libraries - these guys literally just drag and drop pre-fab clips and viola! they have a track, which may get shopped to netlabels because (his words) "you'll get way lucky if they even decide to press vinyl but nobody does it anymore". Let's call it "Drag+Drop" or Ikea House?
software house, or better softy house
Softy House can work. Booooring. It's the type of stuff they play at 'hip' shoe stores.
There is nothing WRONG with it, but for me there is a certain charm that I think lacks in many jocks who use Ableton sets. It's perfect and sometimes it's more interesting to hear the little impressionistic brush strokes - flaws, struggles of a DJ doing their darndest to hold the beat. It's like watching a rodeo. Sometimes those software sets are like looking at grid paper. It boils down to taste and the philosophy of the both DJ/performer and listener.
yes, but give me good reason what's wrong with automatic beatmatching.
it just saves a lot of work, which is currently useless.
why spend time beatmatching track, if program can do it for you?
the result is the same and you can mix tracks faster.
i am not a DJ but i think the problem is now anyone who owns or steals the automatic software can call themselves a DJ.. instead of learning/possessing a skill they have obtained a piece of software. i don't really have anything against laptop DJs but i believe in learning your craft and not taking short cuts (which is a philosophy i try to apply to my music making).
on the flip side would i look down on a C programmer who doesn't know assembly language? no i wouldn't.. i guess because you still have to learn shit and know the fundamentals/concepts. in my mind beatmatching is one of those fundamental/defining skills (within the realm of electronic dance music DJ).
so do you think in the future there will be more douchebag djs because its easy to mix, or fewer douchebag djs because djs will become obsolete ?? hopefully fewer
I HOPE there will be a divide of some sort - Beatclip Plotters and Record Wranglers. Not to say that one will be more important than the other but just as there are different genres of music, there are different categories of DJ. If you know most jocks at a certain event are Lap Jockeys and you're not digging that whole thing then you won't be that thrilled, and vice versa.
There are certain things you can't do with just two records and the software has made it possible, so if you're after that special, unique "remixability" in your sets then all the best to you. I just hope the audio quality of the tracks is maintained high. Audiences deserves the best audio experience.
Robots for Robots → The Daily UFO → worst concert/live perfomance and dj set
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