Last night I got a pet. It was a big hairy slug, the size of a rat. It somehow leached itself to my upper body with suction cups. I thoght it was kinda cute at first, but then I wanted to get it off of me, but it wouldn't come off. It was impossible to get a grip on, and it kept moving around on my body, all the while clinging firmly to my skin. Eventually I just left it there, sitting on top of my left kidney. Then I found out it was actually a parasite that had been used in ancient chinese medicine. Apparently it lived in symbiosis with its host, providing a boost of energy and hightened immune defense. But that still scared me, and I panicked and finally got a hold of it and ripped it off. Unfortunately, that was not the right way of doing it, since it left two tentacles in my body. Two tentacles that continue to live on, and grow into two new individual slugs... bleh....