Re: Food Supplement Topic
fish oil
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Robots for Robots → Random media → Food Supplement Topic
fish oil
Tomatoes are pretty terrible here, thats true.
The irony is, the best tomatoes they grow here are for export, and import shitty ones.
i dont experience any supplements, sorry...whatever you do, you are going to die - at some kind of age and Jus aint gonna help you, so what you can do is eat fruits and veggies every day if you can, move your ass a bit, stop smoking, quit the teenage raver pill popping and speed snorting lifestyle and you will feel mighty fine I think (at least I do)
Sure man, I know what you mean. That is how you feel right now . I assume here you are younger than 30, and there's nothing wrong with that. But the more shit you feed to your body, you have to pay a certain price for that at higher age. Now you are at the top of your health and power (all humans do at the age of 26) and you might feel like you can take on anything.
Sure everyone will die at a certain age. But life goes fast and I do not want to walk the streets behind a pushchair (rollator) at the age of 50, or 60. After you reach 40 you gonna face the fact that your body is going to detoriate and going to function less better than you are used to.
I am pretty certain that if you lived a bit health conscious before reaching 30, you will benefit from this.
The other side is ofcourse, feeding your body with bad food, bad drinks and synthetic drugs you are going to pay a price. Dont take me wrong, I wish it was different but that's not how nature works...
A car -or a robot is you will- is going to malfunction, or die on you long before date of expiry when treated badly and make the machine work long & hard.
What makes you think the human body is any different?
But life goes fast and I do not want to walk the streets behind a pushchair (rollator) at the age of 50, or 60.
This rollator-gang is often seen here, i never saw old people in italy with such a thingie and wonder if it is also common there...
Hahah great pic Messgott!
Staying away from fast food and skipping bullshit drink like coca cola is a wise choice. Being conscious is mostly all it takes. I think a low dose of some drugs and enjoying this in your life is pretty okay, but the hardest thing is controlling your dose. I am getting 43 btw, and raising my little kid which is a little over 2 yrs old... that is taking a hell lot of patience and energy from me. Broken nights of sleep in a long row, have to get up early every single day (around 06:00 is no exception) with only a few hours of free time to relax in the evenings takes a lot. I was on the verge of breaking 5 weeks ago and then I got this Jus drink. That gave me power and energy and better nights of sleep, not only for me, but for my robette as well...
That's my reason to be quite enthousiastic about Jus, and be honest... what are we talking about here; its just a drink with 23 ingredients from fruit!
I had several amazing experiences in life, and every decade or so there's a great invention that will be a 'classic'. examples are maybe the Television, and the Pill for women.
I am not saying Jus is an instant classic, but it proved to me it has great potential.
I find really sad that our french culture of food cannot be exported in your northern country...
I find it really sad that our Dutch food culture cannot be exported to your country....
i thought the plan was to try to bring frances system to the whole EU. would definitley be nice if it could work.
i spoke tyo myu sister who is a horticulturalist for the RHS, she didn't seem as surprised as me that "apples" have 80% less vitamin C than in 1985. sprays, storage, freezing etc etc, all contribute. the fruit you eat from the supermarket is not fresh, i think we all new that anyway. tomatoes too dont taste as they used to, i recently had some from my mothers garden and they blew my socks off they were so flavoursome. again this is storage, sprays, fertiliser, pesticides, picked before they are ripened etc.
I am lucky that in my area is lots of local farm shops, butchers, bakers, and i've always been able to eat well. i lived also for a short while in Norway, and they are importing nearly everything, and it all sucks. all the fruit tastes weak. but the effect it had on my health was zero. didnt feel any more tired or didnt get ill more often, wasn't depressed.
i think you cant underestimate the restorative abilities of the human body, and also the healing properties of placebos.
and anyway how does this taste?
hahaha, yeah the snack culture up there is top, specially in Belgium...
Don't get me wrong, I've eaten many good thing in Holland...
And about the fall of the nutriment in vegies, again it's mainly the use of NPK fertilizer: the plant looks healthy (big, good colour,etc...) but in fact they are sick: try to feed anything with always the same component, and this is what you'll get...
Black shape; how taste what?
Agence Internationale; I will look for this NPK fertilizer, must be anti insect poison of some sort.
It's also hard to predict how someone will react on food supplements, we all have different genes and one is basicly stronger than another. Every body is unique.
In the Netherlands we have to depend on the reform stores for biological food. But it all depend on where you live, there is still countryside with acres of green but I wonder for how long
no NPK is the most common (in fact systematic) fertilizer: N is for nitrogen, P for phosphorus, K for potassium
@ obi sorry, i meant how does the jus itself actually taste. those ingredients sound nice.
Jus taste mostly like the berries taste, they are the dominating taste I think. It's little bitter afterwards.
I am personally not very fond of how berry taste (dont like red wine as well), so I just add water when I drink it.
Jus you take everyday 25 Ml, so that is not a lot... how it tastes is not very important to me
I'm using Jus now since half November last year. 3 weeks ago my bowels started to slightly hurt for some days, knowing it could be Jus cleansing up there I just waited to see what happens.
Going to the toilet for a heavy duty was always unpredictable, sometimes I even did not had to go for 2 full days. Since 2 weeks I go every day now, sometimes even twice a day... quite a major change!
Do you work for these guys? No offence, but you sound like you are pushing snake oil
i think obi's account has been hacked by a spam bot?
looking at the website, i think all you'll pay for is the CEO's 'healthy lifestyle'
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