Re: Control + V

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/i … dapest.JPG

Re: Control + V

Have you ever had a dream(ss) that(ss) that you-um-you-had-you'd-you-would-you-could-you'd-do-you wi-you wants-you-you could do so-you-you'd do-you could-you-you wannit-you want him to do you so much you could do anything?

Re: Control + V

#954760 +(364)- [X]

<LogicalThought> Having a girls head on your chest is one of the best feelings ever
<The_Opinion> Especially when it's still attached.

From: http://www.bash.org/?latest

Re: Control + V


Re: Control + V

croft quinta da roeda 2002

Re: Control + V

#954314 +(-7)- [X]
<@Saturn> how are you?
< Bronysith> fine, cuddling luna plushie
< Bronysith> you?
<@Saturn> friend of mine died
<@Saturn> and eating pie
< Bronysith> oh fuck
<@Unnr> Saturn: *huuuug*
< Bronysith> Saturn: well im here for you if you need me
<@Saturn> i appreciate your concern, but the pie's not *that* bad

Re: Control + V

http://youtu.be/kuBeO0ieSBU?list=UUX9Ox … am84Yqyhrg

vintage future

Re: Control + V

Gotta love youtube comments section  yikes

+Ezrad Lionel put your pitchfork down tart. Nothing racist about it at all. Its a statement. Like saying Samuel L Jackson looks retarded as Mace Windu. It states nothing about his person, but his character.

Fuck, people like you are so demented. Nobody dares refer to another race by its race nowadays because simply putting the word Asian or any other makes their comment racist to some bum-wipes like you. If you can't grasp the content of what someone says then go fk yourself in a ditch-hole and die.

Re: Control + V

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=p … etgs8yFjsA

vintage future

285 (edited by zora 2015-01-20 13:04:15)

Re: Control + V

(17:38:34) ICH: <3
(17:39:03) ICH: hahaha
(17:39:18) ICH: whats he singing? and the one in the background.. hilarious
(17:39:38) MNS: er sagt dass er gestorben ist
(17:39:42) ICH: oh
(17:39:42) MNS: mit viel Ironie

.."this world`s a bubble"..

Re: Control + V

granchio czajnik

vintage future

Re: Control + V


Re: Control + V


vintage future

Re: Control + V

https://www.nerdist.com/2015/01/badass- … hery-myth/

Re: Control + V

Heavenly Music


Re: Control + V

Einzelgänger - Einzelgänger (1975)

ich bin der Einzelgänger
Habe keine Fans
es macht mir aber spaß
der Untergang ist nah

Re: Control + V

kana ei lennä

You were just a damn sequencer
Moving to the beat
Living with a synthesizer
Cold as a repeat

Re: Control + V

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid … mp;theater

vintage future


Re: Control + V


.."this world`s a bubble"..