Re: Control + V

woensdag 03 juni 2009

Re: Control + V


Re: Control + V

is that the first album made entirely without artist input?

i think its amazing that the first release was made a month after purchasing the gear.  thats talet right there.  how long did it take this second one (two months?)
money cant buy you love, but it can buy you modular synths (and fame)


Re: Control + V

limitless field of images that produces equally limitless realities.


Re: Control + V

17 maart 2008

Honey, in the morning the bees are singing and the birds are stinging in an open head surgery.


Re: Control + V

We the American working population
Hate the fact that eight hours a day
Is wasted on chasing the dream of someone that isn't us
And we may not hate our jobs,
But we hate jobs in general
That don't have to do with fighting our own causes.
We the American working population
Hate the nine-to-five day-in/day-out
When we'd rather be supporting ourselves
By being paid to perfect the pasttimes
That we have harbored based solely on the fact
That it makes us smile if it sounds dope...


Re: Control + V

He who can do what he wants is not free, but he is free who does what he should.  He who feels himself without chains is not free, but enslaved to his passions.


Re: Control + V … raxis.html

Honey, in the morning the bees are singing and the birds are stinging in an open head surgery.

Re: Control + V

const __m128 gridXXXX = _mm_load1_ps(&gridX);
    const __m128 gridYYYY = _mm_load1_ps(&gridY);
    const __m128 gridZZZZ = _mm_load1_ps(&gridZ);

    __m128 isoValues = _mm_setzero_ps();
    for (unsigned int iBlob4 = 0; iBlob4 < m_numBlob4s; ++iBlob4)
        // this does exactly the same as the ref. code below, but for 4 blobs in parallel
        // each register carries a single component (X, Y or Z)
        const __m128 xDeltas = _mm_sub_ps(gridXXXX, _mm_load_ps(m_pBlob4s[iBlob4].X));
        const __m128 yDeltas = _mm_sub_ps(gridYYYY, _mm_load_ps(m_pBlob4s[iBlob4].Y));
        const __m128 zDeltas = _mm_sub_ps(gridZZZZ, _mm_load_ps(m_pBlob4s[iBlob4].Z));
        const __m128 xDeltasSq = _mm_mul_ps(xDeltas, xDeltas);
        const __m128 yDeltasSq = _mm_mul_ps(yDeltas, yDeltas);
        const __m128 zDeltasSq = _mm_mul_ps(zDeltas, zDeltas);
        const __m128 oneOverRadSqr = _mm_rcp_ps(_mm_add_ps(_mm_add_ps(xDeltasSq, yDeltasSq), zDeltasSq));
        isoValues = _mm_add_ps(isoValues, oneOverRadSqr);



Re: Control + V

*  Logged in as C.
    * Last visit: Today 11:11:11

Re: Control + V

cebteq wrote:

He who can do what he wants is not free, but he is free who does what he should.  He who feels himself without chains is not free, but enslaved to his passions.

is that castaneda? smile

Re: Control + V


Re: Control + V

package {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
    //initialize the shortcuts

Non linear elements avoid the void of your voice

Re: Control + V

Wordlwilde [sic!]

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
All of my base,
Are belong to you.

Re: Control + V


Heil CBS

Re: Control + V

Snake Charmer

Vlam Aan

Re: Control + V

den bästa slaven tror han är fri. gött med måndag.

me lost me cookie at the disco


Re: Control + V

I fancied "the crazies" somewhat, but did not fancy "shutter island" other than 'fog tropes' by ingram marshall being in the movie.  in fact shutter island makes me question scorceses integrity as a director

Re: Control + V

Re: Control + V

Low free disk space on monitor-test volume /usr: PROBLEM


Re: Control + V

Re: Control + V


Re: Control + V

7,5 inches
6.3 mm
2400 ft
basf 1/4


Re: Control + V … -dwi-scrim


Re: Control + V

Work is my hobby, staying sober is my job

cuties don't exert