Topic: End of Mayan Calendar

The Mayan Calendar runs out on the December 21 2012 (approximately). I am thinking about hosting an end of Mayan calendar super party on my farm here in the west of Ireland (I will post photos later). Of course all the robots would be receiving invites. It could be held outside in a larger field beside a woodland with the stars providing navigation, supervised by the aloof apathy of our bovine brethern.

You may be thinking that 2012 is a long way, but I am a firm believer in forward thinking.

Re: End of Mayan Calendar

Sounds Perfect. Sign Me Up. Though I Wanna Hit Donegal First. Those Cliffs Look Amazing!
Whats The Name Of Your Town?

3 (edited by ronin 2008-10-22 16:46:31)

Re: End of Mayan Calendar

this sounds like a perfect way to see off the end of time as we know it.
there's bound to be a few neo / megalithic landmarks nearby for maximum cosmic energy osmosis.
i'm keen to help out in any way...

nice cliffs in donegal but moher is the place to be

Re: End of Mayan Calendar

maybe you could invite some mayans in order to know some details of our End

No somo Roberto Succo

Re: End of Mayan Calendar

ronin wrote:

this sounds like a perfect way to see off the end of time as we know it.
there's bound to be a few neo / megalithic landmarks nearby for maximum cosmic energy osmosis.
i'm keen to help out in any way...

nice cliffs in donegal but moher is the place to be

oh yeah, thats actually what i meant. moher. the suicide cliffs

Re: End of Mayan Calendar

yea, they don't cover that aspect very much at the tourist center though.
where's this farm robototitico?

Re: End of Mayan Calendar

Did anyone else notice that the eschatological apocalypse predicted by the Mayans also coincides with the full unleashing of the LHC in 2012? The farm is in Limerick.

8 (edited by Paudical 2008-10-22 23:30:11)

Re: End of Mayan Calendar

Count me in. Never been to Donegal sad

oh wait... it's not in Donegal. Limerick is closer anyway