Topic: one word to the financial crisis....

Every Friday Night We Dress In Black

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Every Friday Night We Dress In Black

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Anarchy !!!


A paranoid is someone who knows a little of whats really going on.

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Invested my money in vinyl...

music sounds better


Re: one word to the financial crisis....

i better not have lost my 401K or Im gonna be P.I.S.S.E.D !!!!!!

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Yeah were all gonna be in trouble, you baby boomer generation are some dumb fucks! Thanks for dumping it on my gens backs.


Re: one word to the financial crisis....

it would be so much more fun if your depths would go away as well like your savings (if u have any) when a bank goes bankrupt.

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

lol @ sleek

"Opinions are a private matter. The public has an interest only in judgments.

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Bring it on

Re: one word to the financial crisis....


THE government is to invest

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Lending money isn't really smart anyway.  Only a mortgage is ok.

13 (edited by raoul 2008-10-10 11:25:12)

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

I'm afraid all this rescue money is for nothing and it will evaporate with the further downfall of the current financial system.

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

^ word

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Giving 7 billion to the people wo fucked it up in the first place without any guarantees does not sound like a good plan to me.

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

raoul wrote:

I'm afraid all this rescue money is for nothing and it will evaporate with the further downfall of the current financial system.

absolutely true. they're trying to bail out a sinking ship instead of trying to find out what's dragging the ship down and getting rid of that.

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Don's see the relation with this topic but it sure helps.

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

Mr. Maximal wrote:

Giving 7 billion to the people wo fucked it up in the first place without any guarantees does not sound like a good plan to me.

they're not giving anything to anybody. the state basically takes over the bad loans from the banks to get them healthy again. against those mortgages stands real property, if they can wait it out a little, the government could even make a profit from this deal in the end. there is a serious lack of good media coverage on this issue.

i can get very mad at all this populist bullshit about ''those fat bankers of wall street''.. this whole thing is as much the fault of various governments (from leftist or democratic ones pushing for ''everybody should be able to buy a house'' to the right wingers for deregulating the financial sector so much that it became the wild west all over again) as it is the fault of greedy bankers and consumers who should have known better before they sign for mortgages they should know they can't afford...

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

My stocks in modulars wont go down in price.


i don't need the gear, the gear needs me

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

@rude66: word.

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

just found out i have a hole in the crotch of my nice dockers pants. SON OF A BITCH!


23 (edited by SLEEK 2008-10-10 18:20:50)

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

boo hooo


Re: one word to the financial crisis....

yesterday the say dow jones has lost 40% and is now as high(low) as 5years ago. 40%! 5years! that means it INCREASE 40% last 5 years, while economy maby grows maybe 5 or 8 or somtheing. that show it was a BUBBLE. when they cry "ooh, its LOW as 5years ago"..ey. I remember 2003, hat was not the mid-age.

Every Friday Night We Dress In Black

Re: one word to the financial crisis....

rude66 wrote:

they're not giving anything to anybody. the state basically takes over the bad loans from the banks to get them healthy again. against those mortgages stands real property, if they can wait it out a little, the government could even make a profit from this deal in the end. there is a serious lack of good media coverage on this issue.

is (which/any) government really getting physical property in return for these promised bailouts? i think any return (to the government) is dependent on the banks/financial system making a recovery - i.e. the currency in question is not devalued.

the thing is- the state is using real money (currently real) to prop up those bad loans. if those bad loans outweigh the state's 'spending power' then the currency will eventually be devalued.

the ultimate nightmare scenario is no money in the banks, the euro (dollar) being devalued, people's savings being worthless, no trade, no food.

of course this might be the ultimate scenario anyway, in which case the quicker the better. on with the new world order.

the alternative nightmare scenario is the system stabilises somewhat and the government does not call in the debts because to do so would tip the system back into chaos (reality) - hence all that taxpayers money becomes the banks'.

rude66 wrote:

i can get very mad at all this populist bullshit about ''those fat bankers of wall street''.. this whole thing is as much the fault of various governments (from leftist or democratic ones pushing for ''everybody should be able to buy a house'' to the right wingers for deregulating the financial sector so much that it became the wild west all over again) as it is the fault of greedy bankers and consumers who should have known better before they sign for mortgages they should know they can't afford...

agreed- especially here in ireland where the property boom was transparently a bubble/boom for at least the last 7 years and yet everyone still played the game.

disclaimer - have had a few beers, and i'm not really coherent at the best of times....